Alpha Drive Rx Review: Is It an Effective Male Enhancer? (2024)

In This Review

  • What Is It?
  • Rate
  • Pros
  • Cons
  • About the Brand
  • How Does It Work?
  • Ingredients
  • FAQ’s
  • Reviews
  • Conclusion

What is Alpha Drive Rx?

Alpha Drive Rx is a natural male sexual enhancement gummy supplement that promises to boost testosterone levels, possibly enhancing libido, improving sexual stamina, increasing energy, and building muscle mass and strength.

In addition, the manufacturer promises that the gummies increase penis length. Alpha Drive Rx may also improve body-wide circulation to promote harder, longer-lasting erections, improve sexual sensitivity, and encourage stronger org*sms.

A review in Current Options in Urology by Paul J. Rizk, et al explains:

“Erectile dysfunction (ED) and decreased libido are common complaints in the older male population. Recent studies have elucidated the role testosterone therapy can play in men with low testosterone levels [1].”

Does Alpha Drive Rx work as well as the manufacturer claims? In this review, we’ll look at the supplement in detail and compare it to competing brands. Keep reading to find out if Alpha Drive Rx is the best natural sexual enhancement supplement for you.

How Does It Rate?

Overall Rating: 3.5

Brand Highlights

  • The company manufactures Alpha Drive Rx in the USA.
  • Alpha Drive Rx is only available on the official product website.
  • The ingredients have some research support for the male sexual health benefits.
  • The manufacturer promises triple-intensity sexual enhancement – size, stamina, and satisfaction.

Key Ingredients

  • L-Arginine
  • Muira Puama Extract
  • Asian Red Ginger Extracts
  • Horny Goat Weed Extract
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract
  • Bioperine


  • Alpha Drive Rx may promote harder erections.
  • This supplement may increase sexual libido.
  • Alpha Drive Rx may enhance stamina for longer staying power.
  • The formula could improve sexual confidence.
  • Alpha Drive Rx might promote more powerful org*sms.


  • You can only purchase Alpha Drive Rx by signing up for one of the monthly subscription options.
  • There are competing brands with additional potent ingredients.
  • The manufacturer does not provide the label with the complete list of active and inactive ingredients.


Alpha Drive Rx Review: Is It an Effective Male Enhancer? (6)

*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

About the Brand

The manufacturer of Alpha Drive Rx is Genius Wholesale, LLC headquartered in Lakeland, Florida. They offer a line of health products, natural supplements, and grocery items, however, there isn’t much information about the organization online.

How Does Alpha Drive Rx Work?

Alpha Drive Rx contains ingredients that increase the production of nitric oxide in the body, improving circulation. This sends added blood flow to the penis, possibly promoting harder, longer-lasting erections.

A review of studies by Arthur L. Burnett published in The Journal of Urology explored the physiology and pathology of nitric oxide function in the penis [2].

Alpha Drive Rx may also increase levels of testosterone in the body, which could heighten sexual libido and stamina, build muscle mass and strength, and boost energy as we said in our review of Testosterin.

A review published in Reviews inEndocrineand MetabolicDisorders by Giovanni CoronaandMario Maggi concluded that increasing testosterone has a small effect on improving sexual function in middle-aged and older men [3].

This supplement has anti-inflammatory agents that could decrease swelling in the body, for improved health of multiple organs like the heart, brain, and kidneys. In addition, the reduced inflammation in the testes may improve sperm parameters and fertility,

Alpha Drive Rx has potent antioxidants that lower levels of oxidative stress by destroying free radicals, repairing damage to bodily systems, and strengthening immunity.

A review published in the Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal by Recep Demirbag, et al concluded that there is a link between sex hormone levels and total antioxidant capacity, and this may offer heart health benefits [4].


*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

Alpha Drive Rx Ingredients – Are they Safe & Effective?

These are some of the primary active Alpha Drive Rx ingredients:


This is a potent amino acid that heightens levels of nitric oxide in the body, improving circulation. As we explained in our review of Maxiboost, the added flow of blood to the penis may promote harder, longer-lasting erections. In addition, it could help balance blood pressure and support heart health.

A 3-month study of men with vascular erectile dysfunction published in the Journal of Endocrinological Investigation by D Menafra, et al concluded that high-dose l-arginine supplementation improved penile erectile function [5].

Ginkgo Biloba

This palm tree extract boosts levels of nitric oxide in the body to improve circulation, and the added flow of blood to the penis may promote harder erections. In addition, there’s some evidence that it may increase testosterone levels to boost libido, stamina, and muscle development.

A 6-month study of men with erectile dysfunction published in the Journal of Sex Education & Therapy by Sohn, Michael, and Sikora, Richard concluded that 19 out of 30 patients experienced improved sexual function with consistent supplementation of ginkgo biloba [6].

Horny Goat Weed

The epimedium plant is well-known for its aphrodisiac properties, and some evidence indicates that it could heighten levels of testosterone in the body. In addition to enhancing arousal, it may boost energy and stamina and enhance muscle mass and strength.

A study of male albino rats published in Dose Response by Naveed Munir, et al concluded that supplementation with horny goat weed helped improve impotence [7].

Verdict: The listed ingredients included in Alpha Drive Rx have some research support for their ability to boost testosterone, enhance libido, and promote harder erections. However, there are other supplements with a longer list and a more potent blend.

Alpha Drive Rx Review – FAQs

Q: How Do You Take Alpha Drive Rx?

A: The recommended dosage is 1 gummy daily. Do not exceed this amount unless instructed by a health care professional.

Q: What Sets It Apart From the Competition?

A: The ingredients in Alpha Drive Rx are typical of many male sexual enhancement supplements, and many competing brands are more potent. Unlike many other products, you can’t make a one-time purchase of Alpha Drive Rx, rather, you have to buy a monthly subscription through the official website only.

Q: What is the Return Policy?

A: When you purchase a subscription, you are billed automatically every month and sent a product. You can cancel anytime by contacting customer service, and you’ll be billed until the end of that month.

In addition, the company offers a 60-day refund policy if you are unhappy with the product. Let customer service know and return the bottles within 60 days of the order. You should get a refund of the purchase price.

Q: Is Alpha Drive Rx Worth It?

A: Alpha Drive Rx contains a blend of ingredients that do have research support for their male sexual enhancement benefits, but certainly not for increasing penis length. In addition, other more potent options on the market do not require signing up for an auto-shipment service. The supplement may be worth it for some users, but it’s a good idea to research your options.

Q: Where to Buy Alpha Drive Rx?

A: Alpha Drive Rx is available on the official website exclusively, but there is no one-time purchase option. You fill out your details and sign up for one of the subscription options, Basic, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, and Platinum. Each offers different options, including unlimited supplement purchases for $15 per bottle.


Alpha Drive Rx Review: Is It an Effective Male Enhancer? (8)

*All individuals are unique. Your results can and will vary.

What Do the Alpha Drive Rx Reviews Say?

In our assessment, Alpha Drive Rx is a very average male sexual enhancement supplement, and there are many better options on the market. It includes some potent ingredients with research support for their male sexual enhancement benefits, but there are other formulas with longer, more potent ingredient lists.

In addition, claims by the manufacturer like the ability of the formula to increase penis length are false, which decreases the legitimacy of the supplement. We rate the formula 3.5 out of 5 stars, but most of the customer reviews include the two 5-star reports on the official website.

As there are no independent reviews from customers, we can’t get a complete picture of the customer experience with Alpha Drive Rx. One of the glowing reports on the official website comes from 49-year-old Vincent Harper, who explains:

It’s great to know that my favorite male enhancement supplement is now available in the market without a prescription! I have been usingAlpha Drive Rxfor a few months now and the results have been truly “huge”! I am able to enjoy harder erections, and increased sexual drive and stamina, which lets me enjoy lovemaking just like I used to when I was in my 30s!

The second review on the official website is from 56-year-old Sean Carter, who says the product has transformed his sex life:

Age-related decline in sexual health along with the onset of mild ED had left me pretty shattered. I came acrossAlpha Drive Rxon a very reputed blog for male health and decided to give it a try. It has been the best decision I ever made. My sex drive has really taken off, my erections are back to their firm and the increase in sexual stamina is just amazing!

Verdict: There are 2 very enthusiastic Alpha Drive Rx reviews from users on the official website, and few independent comments on other sites, so it’s difficult to get a true picture of the customer experience.

Alpha Drive Rx Review – Conclusion

Alpha Drive Rx is a very average male sexual health gummy supplement that includes some research-backed ingredients but is not as potent as many competing brands. In addition, the product is only available through an auto-shipment offer, so you can’t try the formula out with a one-time purchase. While Alpha Drive Rx may offer sexual enhancement benefits, we recommned researching other brands on the market before making a final purchase.

There are few Alpha Drive Rx reviews from customers, except 2 very positive comments on the official website. While these users claim very positive sexual benefits, we need more feedback from users to get a complete picture of the customer experience with Alpha Drive Rx.

The listed ingredients for Alpha Drive Rx are safe, however, the company does not list the complete label with inactive and active substances. Before taking the supplement, see your doctor and get medical approval. If you experience unpleasant side effects, stop taking Alpha Drive Rx immediately.

With countless male performance enhancement supplements available on the market today it seems impossible to find "the right one." Sexual performance declines naturally as men age, which may contribute to feelings of inadequacy or embarrassment. Male performance enhancement supplements should be based on four key factors: active ingredients, ability to support sexual stamina, enhance arousal, improved* sexual desire and backed by clinical studies.

Alpha Drive Rx Review: Is It an Effective Male Enhancer? (2024)
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