Business communication essentials : a skills-based approach / Courtland L. Bovee, Professor of Business Communication, C. Allen PAul Distinguished Chair, Grossmont College and John V. Thill., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Global Communication Stra (2024)


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Bovée, Courtland L.
Boston : Pearson, [2016]
Seventh edition.
Physical Description:
xliv, 478 pages ; 28 cm
Additional Creators:
Thill, John V.


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Machine generated contents note: pt. 1 Business Communication Foundations -- 1.Professional Communication in Today's Digital, Social, Mobile World -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Understanding Why Communication Matters -- Communication Is Important to Your Career -- Communication Is Important to Your Company -- What Makes Business Communication Effective? -- Communicating as a Professional -- Understanding What Employers Expect from You -- Communicating in an Organizational Context -- Adopting an Audience-Centered Approach -- Exploring the Communication Process -- The Basic Communication Model -- The Social Communication Model -- The Mobile Revolution -- The Rise of Mobile as a Communication Platform -- How Mobile Technologies Are Changing Business Communication -- Committing to Ethical Communication -- Distinguishing Ethical Dilemmas from Ethical Lapses -- Making Ethical Choices -- Communicating in a World of Diversity -- The Advantages and Challenges of a Diverse Workforce -- Key Aspects of Cultural Diversity -- Advice for Improving Intercultural Communication -- Using Technology to Improve Business Communication -- Keeping Technology in Perspective -- Using Tools Productively -- Guarding Against Information Overload -- Reconnecting with People Frequently -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 2.Collaboration, Interpersonal Communication, and Business Etiquette -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Communicating Effectively in Teams -- Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams -- Characteristics of Effective Teams -- Collaborating on Communication Efforts -- Guidelines for Collaborative Writing -- Technologies for Collaborative Writing -- Giving---and Responding to---Constructive Feedback -- Making Your Meetings More Productive -- Preparing for Meetings -- Conducting and Contributing to Efficient Meetings -- Putting Meeting Results to Productive Use -- Using Meeting Technologies -- Improving Your Listening Skills -- Recognizing Various Types of Listening -- Understanding the Listening Process -- Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening -- Improving Your Nonverbal Communication Skills -- Developing Your Business Etiquette -- Business Etiquette in the Workplace -- Business Etiquette in Social Settings -- Business Etiquette Online -- Business Etiquette Using Mobile Devices -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- pt. 2 The Three-Step Writing Process -- 3.Planning Business Messages -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Understanding the Three-Step Writing Process -- Analyzing the Situation -- Defining Your Purpose -- Developing an Audience Profile -- Gathering Information -- Uncovering Audience Needs -- Providing Required Information -- Selecting the Best Combination of Media and Channels -- The Most Common Media and Channel Options -- Factors to Consider When Choosing Media and Channels -- Organizing Your Message -- Defining Your Main Idea -- Limiting Your Scope -- Choosing Between Direct and Indirect Approaches -- Outlining Your Content -- Building Reader Interest with Storytelling Techniques -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 4.Writing Business Messages -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Adapting to Your Audience: Being Sensitive to Your Audience's Needs -- Adopting the "You" Attitude -- Maintaining Standards of Etiquette -- Emphasizing the Positive -- Using Bias-Free Language -- Adapting to Your Audience: Building Strong Relationships -- Establishing Your Credibility -- Projecting Your Company's Image -- Adapting to Your Audience: Controlling Your Style and Tone -- Creating a Conversational Tone -- Using Plain Language -- Selecting Active or Passive Voice -- Composing Your Message: Choosing Powerful Words -- Balancing Abstract and Concrete Words -- Finding Words That Communicate Well -- Composing Your Message: Creating Effective Sentences -- Choosing from the Four Types of Sentences -- Using Sentence Style to Emphasize Key Thoughts -- Composing Your Message: Crafting Coherent Paragraphs -- Creating the Elements of a Paragraph -- Developing Paragraphs -- Writing Messages for Mobile Devices -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 5.Completing Business Messages -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Revising Your Message: Evaluating the First Draft -- Evaluating Your Content, Organization, and Tone -- Evaluating, Editing, and Revising the Work of Other Writers -- Revising to Improve Readability -- Varying Sentence Length -- Keeping Your Paragraphs Short -- Using Lists and Bullets to Clarify and Emphasize -- Adding Headings and Subheadings -- Editing for Clarity and Conciseness -- Editing for Clarity -- Editing for Conciseness -- Producing Your Message -- Designing for Readability -- Designing Messages for Mobile Devices -- Proofreading Your Message -- Distributing Your Message -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- pt. 3 Brief Business Messages -- 6.Crafting Messages for Digital Channels -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Digital Channels for Business Communication -- Media Choices for Brief Messages -- Compositional Modes for Digital Media -- Creating Content for Social Media -- Optimizing Content for Mobile Devices -- Social Networks -- Business Communication Uses of Social Networks -- Strategies for Business Communication on Social Networks -- Information and Media Sharing Sites -- User-Generated Content Sites -- Content Curation Sites -- Community Q&A Sites -- Email -- Planning Email Messages -- Writing Email Messages -- Completing Email Messages -- Instant Messaging and Text Messaging -- Understanding the Benefits and Risks of IM -- Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful IM -- Blogging and Microblogging -- Understanding the Business Applications of Blogging -- Adapting the Three-Step Process for Successful Blogging -- Microblogging -- Podcasting -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 7.Writing Routine and Positive Messages -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Strategy for Routine Requests -- Stating Your Request Up Front -- Explaining and Justifying Your Request -- Requesting Specific Action in a Courteous Close -- Common Examples of Routine Requests -- Asking for Information or Action -- Asking for Recommendations -- Making Claims and Requesting Adjustments -- Strategy for Routine Replies and Positive Messages -- Starting with the Main Idea -- Providing Necessary Details and Explanation -- Ending with a Courteous Close -- Common Examples of Routine Replies and Positive Messages -- Answering Requests for Information or Action -- Granting Claims and Requests for Adjustment -- Providing Recommendations and References -- Sharing Routine Information -- Announcing Good News -- Fostering Goodwill -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 8.Writing Negative Messages -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Using the Three-Step Writing Process for Negative Messages -- Step 1 Planning Negative Messages -- Step 2 Writing Negative Messages -- Step 3 Completing Negative Messages -- Using the Direct Approach for Negative Messages -- Opening with a Clear Statement of the Bad News -- Providing Reasons and Additional Information -- Closing on a Respectful Note -- Using the Indirect Approach for Negative Messages -- Opening with a Buffer -- Providing Reasons and Additional Information -- Continuing with a Clear Statement of the Bad News -- Closing on a Respectful Note -- Sending Negative Messages on Routine Business Matters -- Making Negative Announcements on Routine Business Matters -- Rejecting Suggestions and Proposals -- Refusing Routine Requests -- Handling Bad News About Transactions -- Refusing Claims and Requests for Adjustment -- Sending Negative Employment Messages -- Refusing Requests for Recommendations -- Refusing Social Networking Recommendation Requests -- Rejecting Job Applications -- Giving Negative Performance Reviews -- Terminating Employment -- Sending Negative Organizational News -- Responding to Negative Information in a Social Media Environment -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 9.Writing Persuasive Messages -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Using the Three-Step Writing Process for Persuasive Messages -- Step 1 Planning Persuasive Messages -- Step 2 Writing Persuasive Messages -- Step 3 Completing Persuasive Messages -- Developing Persuasive Business Messages -- Framing Your Arguments -- Balancing Emotional and Logical Appeals -- Reinforcing Your Position -- Anticipating Objections -- Avoiding Common Mistakes in Persuasive Communication -- Common Examples of Persuasive Business Messages -- Persuasive Requests for Action -- Persuasive Presentation of Ideas -- Persuasive Claims and Requests for Adjustments -- Developing Marketing and Sales Messages -- Planning Marketing and Sales Messages -- Writing Conventional Marketing and Sales Messages -- Writing Promotional Messages for Social Media -- Creating Promotional Messages for Mobile Devices -- Maintaining High Ethical and Legal Standards -- and Contents note continued: Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- pt. 4 Longer Business Messages -- 10.Understanding and Planning Reports and Proposals -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Applying the Three-Step Writing Process to Reports and Proposals -- Analyzing the Situation -- Gathering Information -- Selecting the Right Combination of Media and Channels -- Organizing Your Information -- Supporting Your Messages with Reliable Information -- Planning Your Research -- Locating Data and Information -- Evaluating Information Sources -- Using Your Research Results -- Conducting Secondary Research -- Finding Information at a Library -- Finding Information Online -- Documenting Your Sources -- Conducting Primary Research -- Conducting Surveys -- Conducting Interviews -- Planning Informational Reports -- Organizing Informational Reports -- Organizing Website Content -- Planning Analytical Reports -- Focusing on Conclusions -- Focusing on Recommendations -- Focusing on Logical Arguments -- Planning Proposals -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 11.Writing and Completing Reports and Proposals -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Writing Reports and Proposals -- Adapting to Your Audience -- Drafting Report Content -- Drafting Proposal Content -- Writing for Websites and Wikis -- Drafting Website Content -- Collaborating on Wikis -- Illustrating Your Reports with Effective Visuals -- Choosing the Right Visual for the Job -- Designing Effective Visuals -- Completing Reports and Proposals -- Producing Formal Reports and Proposals -- Distributing Reports and Proposals -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 12.Developing and Delivering Business Presentations -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Planning a Presentation -- Analyzing the Situation -- Selecting the Best Media and Channels -- Organizing a Presentation -- Developing a Presentation -- Adapting to Your Audience -- Crafting Presentation Content -- Enhancing Your Presentation with Effective Visuals -- Choosing Structured or Free-Form Slides -- Designing Effective Slides -- Integrating Mobile Devices in Presentations -- Completing a Presentation -- Finalizing Your Slides -- Creating Effective Handouts -- Choosing Your Presentation Method -- Practicing Your Delivery -- Delivering a Presentation -- Overcoming Anxiety -- Handling Questions Responsively -- Embracing the Backchannel -- Giving Presentations Online -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- pt. 5 Employment Messages and Job Interviews -- 13.Building Careers and Writing Resumes -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Finding the Ideal Opportunity in Today's Job Market -- Writing the Story of You -- Learning to Think Like an Employer -- Researching Industries and Companies of Interest -- Translating Your General Potential into a Specific Solution for Each Employer -- Taking the Initiative to Find Opportunities -- Building Your Network -- Seeking Career Counseling -- Avoiding Mistakes -- Planning Your Resume -- Analyzing Your Purpose and Audience -- Gathering Pertinent Information -- Selecting the Best Media and Channels -- Organizing Your Resume Around Your Strengths -- Addressing Areas of Concern -- Writing Your Resume -- Keeping Your Resume Honest -- Adapting Your Resume to Your Audience -- Composing Your Resume -- Completing Your Resume -- Revising Your Resume -- Producing Your Resume -- Proofreading Your Resume -- Distributing Your Resume -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- 14.Applying and Interviewing for Employment -- COMMUNICATION MATTERS -- Submitting Your Resume -- Writing Application Letters -- Following Up After Submitting a Resume -- Understanding the Interviewing Process -- The Typical Sequence of Interviews -- Common Types of Interviews -- Interview Media -- What Employers Look for in an Interview -- Preemployment Testing and Background Checks -- Preparing for a Job Interview -- Learning About the Organization -- Thinking Ahead About Questions -- Boosting Your Confidence -- Polishing Your Interview Style -- Presenting a Professional Image -- Being Ready When You Arrive -- Interviewing for Success -- The Warm-Up -- The Question-and-Answer Stage -- The Close -- Interview Notes -- Following Up After an Interview -- Follow-Up Message -- Message of Inquiry -- Request for a Time Extension -- Letter of Acceptance -- Letter Declining a Job Offer -- Letter of Resignation -- Chapter Review and Activities -- Test Your Knowledge -- Apply Your Knowledge -- Practice Your Skills -- Expand Your Skills -- Improve Your Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Endnotes -- APPENDIX A Format and Layout of Business Documents -- First Impressions -- Paper -- Customization -- Appearance -- Letters -- Standard Letter Parts -- Additional Letter Parts -- Letter Formats -- Envelopes -- Addressing the Envelope -- Folding to Fit -- International Mail -- Memos -- Reports -- Margins -- Headings -- Page Numbers -- Endnotes -- APPENDIX B Documentation of Report Sources -- Chicago Humanities Style -- In-Text Citation---Chicago Humanities Style -- Bibliography---Chicago Humanities Style -- APA Style -- In-Text Citation---APA Style -- List of References---APA Style -- MLA Style -- In-Text Citation --- MLA Style -- List of Works Cited-MLA Style -- APPENDIX C Correction Symbols -- Content and Style -- Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Proofreading Marks -- Handbook of Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- Diagnostic Test of English Skills -- Assessment of English Skills -- Essentials of Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage -- 1.0.Grammar -- 1.1.Nouns -- 1.2.Pronouns -- 1.3.Verbs -- 1.4.Adjectives -- 1.5.Adverbs -- 1.6.Other Parts of Speech -- 1.7.Sentences -- 2.0.Punctuation -- 2.1.Periods -- 2.2.Question Marks -- 2.3.Exclamation Points -- 2.4.Semicolons -- 2.5.Colons -- 2.6.Commas -- 2.7.Dashes -- 2.8.Hyphens -- 2.9.Apostrophes -- 2.10.Quotation Marks -- 2.11.Parentheses and Brackets -- 2.12.Ellipses -- 3.0.Mechanics -- 3.1.Capitalization -- 3.2.Underscores and Italics -- 3.3.Abbreviations -- 3.4.Numbers -- 3.5.Word Division -- 4.0.Vocabulary -- 4.1.Frequently Confused Words -- 4.2.Frequently Misused Words -- 4.3.Frequently Misspelled Words -- 4.4.Transitional Words and Phrases -- Practice Session Answers.
  • Business communication
  • Business writing
  • Business presentations
Includes index.

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Business communication essentials : a skills-based approach / Courtland L. Bovee, Professor of Business Communication, C. Allen PAul Distinguished Chair, Grossmont College and John V. Thill., Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Global Communication Stra (2024)
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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.