Countries worldwide are dropping the US dollar: De-dollarization in China, Russia, Brazil, ASEAN (2024)

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The global de-dollarization campaign is gaining momentum, as countries around the world seek alternatives to the hegemony of the US dollar.

China and Russia are trading in their own currencies.

Beijing and Brazil have also dropped the dollar in bilateral trade.

The UAE is selling China its gas in yuan, through a French company.

Southeast Asian nations in ASEAN are de-dollarizing their trade, promoting local payment systems.

Kenya is buying Persian Gulf oil with its own currency.

Even the Financial Times newspaper has acknowledged that a “multipolar currency world” is emerging.

When Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Moscow in March, his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin revealed that two-thirds of the countries’ bilateral trade is already conducted in the ruble and renminbi.

“It is important that our national currencies are increasingly used in bilateral trade“, Putin said. “We should continue promoting settlements in national currencies, and expand the reciprocal presence of financial and banking structures in our countries’ markets”.

The Russian leader added, “We support using Chinese yuan in transactions between the Russian Federation and its partners in Asia, Africa and Latin America”.

China’s President Xi Jinping traveled to Russia, where he pledged “changes we haven’t seen for 100 years”.

Both agreed to deepen economic integration and challenge the hegemony of the US dollar, using yuan and other currencies in international trade

— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) March 26, 2023

Just a week after Xi’s trip to Moscow, China announced that it had for the first time used yuan to buy liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the UAE.

The deal was negotiated between the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Company and the French company TotalEnergies, meaning European firms are now willing to conduct transactions in yuan.

French media outlet RFI described the trade as a “major step in Beijing’s attempts to undermine the US dollar as universal ‘petrodollar’ for gas and oil trade”.

The report quoted the chairman of the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, Guo Xu, who said the deal encouraged “multi-currency pricing, settlement and cross-border payment”.

China's first yuan-settled liquefied natural gas (LNG) trade was completed on Tuesday through the Shanghai Petroleum and Natural Gas Exchange, with about 65,000 tonnes of LNG imported from the UAE changing hands in the trade. (file pic)

— People's Daily, China (@PDChina) March 29, 2023

On March 30, China and Brazil (the world’s most populous and sixth-most populous countries) announced they had come to an agreement to trade with each other in their local currencies, yuan and reais.

China’s media network CGTN reported, “The deal will enable China, the world’s second-largest economy, and Brazil, the biggest economy in Latin America, to conduct their massive trade and financial transactions directly, exchanging yuan for reais and vice versa instead of going through the dollar”.

It noted that China is Brazil’s biggest trading partner, and in 2022 the two countries did more than $150.5 billion worth of trade.

Brazil’s leftist President Lula da Silva has called for Latin America to develop a new currency for regional trade, which he calls the Sur.

It's happening: Brazil and Argentina are making plans for a Latin American currency, to “boost regional trade and reduce reliance on the US dollar”, the Financial Times reported

Lula (a co-founder of the BRICS) had pledged this while running for president

— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) January 22, 2023

Just two days before China and Brazil revealed their deal to trade in local currencies, the South American giant’s former President Dilma Rousseff officially assumed her new role as chief of the New Development Bank (NDB) in Shanghai.

The NDB, commonly known as the BRICS Bank, was created by the bloc of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa as an alternative to the US-dominated World Bank.

Dilma, like her ally Lula, is a leftist from Brazil’s Workers’ Party. In a speech that Geopolitical Economy reported on in 2022, Dilma analyzed the US-China conflict as “a rivalry of two systems”, a struggle between neoliberalism and socialism. She condemned US sanctions and “dollar hegemony” and called for Latin America “to break with the Monroe Doctrine”.

H.E. Mrs. Dilma Rousseff, the NDB newly elected President, has started her first day in office in the NDB Headquarters in Shanghai, China.

— New Development Bank (@NDB_int) March 28, 2023

Countries in Southeast Asia are also de-dollarizing.

The finance ministers and governors of the central banks of the member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) met in Indonesia on March 28.

According to the news website ASEAN Briefing, at the top of their agenda were “discussions to reduce dependence on the US Dollar, Euro, Yen, and British Pound from financial transactions and move to settlements in local currencies”.

ASEAN is developing a cross-border digital payment system that would allow the use of local currencies in regional trade. ASEAN Briefing noted that Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and Thailand agreed on this in November 2022.

The media outlet added that Indonesia’s central bank plans on creating a local payment system as well.

ASEAN Briefing wrote:

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has urged regional administrations to start using credit cards issued by local banks and gradually stop using foreign payment systems. He argued that Indonesia needed to shield itself from geopolitical disruptions, citing the sanctions targeting Russia’s financial sector from the US, EU, and their allies over the conflict in Ukraine.

Indonesia is the fourth-most populous country on Earth, after the United States.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is meeting in Indonesia

"Top of the agenda are discussions to reduce dependence on the US Dollar, Euro, Yen, and British Pound from financial transactions and move to settlements in local currencies"

— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) March 31, 2023

Another Southeast Asian nation, Malaysia, is publicly advocating de-dollarization.

Malaysia’s Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim met with Chinese President Xi in Beijing on March 31, where the two leaders discussed plans to weaken US dollar hegemony and even create an “Asian Monetary Fund”.

This is a frontal challenge to the US-dominated International Monetary Fund (IMF), which emerged from the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference that established the dollar as the global reserve currency.

Anwar proposed the Asian Monetary Fund at theBoao Forum in China’s Hainan province.

“There is no reason for Malaysia to continue depending on the dollar”, Anwar said, in comments reported by Bloomberg.

The media outlet added that Malaysia’s central bank is developing a payment mechanism so the Southeast Asian country can trade with China using its own currency, the ringgit.

China is open to talks with Malaysia on forming an Asian Monetary Fund, said Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, amid the world’s growing impatience with the King Dollar’s dominance

— Bloomberg (@business) April 4, 2023

Bloomberg noted:

The Malaysian leader’s comments come just months after former officials in Singapore discussed what economies in the region should be doing to mitigate the risks of a still-strong dollar that’s weakened local currencies and become a tool of economic statecraft.

The dollar’s strength is a headache for Asian nations including Malaysia, which is a net importer of food items.

“Economic statecraft” is a roundabout way of saying economic warfare. The unilateral sanctions the United States has imposed on countries all across the planet, in flagrant violation of international law, are backfiring. Many nations are now seeking financial alternatives, afraid that they could be the next target.

And with the US Federal Reserve constantly raising interest rates, the dollar has become so strong that it is hurting the currencies of other countries, making imports more expensive.

Even US ally India is hedging its bets on de-dollarization.

Reuters reported that Russia’s largest oil producer, the state-owned company Rosneft, made an deal with India’s top refiner Indian Oil Corp, which is also state owned, to use the Dubai price benchmark in oil sales, as opposed to the Brent benchmark.

The decision “to abandon the Europe-dominated Brent benchmark is part of a shift of Russia’s oil sales towards Asia”, it wrote.

Reuters cited “Rosneft’s chief executive Igor Sechin, [who] said in February that the price of Russian oil would be determined outside of Europe as Asia has emerged as largest buyer of Russian oil”.

Russia and India agreed to use the Asia-focused Dubai oil price benchmark in their bilateral trade.

"The decision by the two state-controlled companies to abandon the Europe-dominated Brent benchmark is part of a shift of Russia's oil sales towards Asia"

— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) April 4, 2023

Several countries on the African continent are advocating de-dollarization as well.

In March, Kenya signed an agreement with state-owned companies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE to buy oil on credit, using the country’s local currency, the shilling.

Kenya asked to do so because the African nation’s dollar reserves are running low, as it pays for more expensive imports.

Kenya to start buying petroleum products with Kenyan shillings

— Peoples Gazette (@GazetteNGR) March 27, 2023

One of the world’s leading newspapers, the Financial Times, acknowledged in an article in March that these historic developments are part of a transition to a “multipolar currency world“.

The chair of the Financial Times’ editorial board and US editor-at-large, Gillian Tett, wrote that “US banking turmoil, inflation and looming debt ceiling battle is making dollar-based assets less attractive”.

She noted that the former Goldman Sachs economist who first popularized the term BRICS, Jim O’Neill, has stated that “the dollar plays far too dominant a role in global finance”.

Prepare for a multipolar currency world

— FT World News (@ftworldnews) March 30, 2023

Countries worldwide are dropping the US dollar: De-dollarization in China, Russia, Brazil, ASEAN (2024)


Countries worldwide are dropping the US dollar: De-dollarization in China, Russia, Brazil, ASEAN? ›

In late March 2023, China and Brazil finalized an agreement to conduct trade using their respective currencies. In December of 2023, Russia and China expressed 'their intent to abandon the US dollar in their bilateral transactions'.

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Escaping dollar dominance

The more talk there is of appropriating Russia's reserves the more countries like China fear their reserves held in dollars or euros may no longer be safe. So now the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), led by Russia, are discussing how to escape dollar dominance.

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With further expansion in 2024 imminent, 16 new countries are expected to drop the US Dollar in 2024 and join BRICS. BRICS inducted five new countries in January 2024 including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran, and Ethiopia.

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BRICS nations, when combined, lack the political stability to make investors confident in a combined currency, he argued. “There is not an immediate threat to the dollar over the next 10 years,” Kremer told Fortune. “Any threat to the dollar or competitor to the dollar would be a slower-moving kind of snowball effect.”

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And in times of international stress, investors flock to U.S. Treasuries as a way to stabilize the value of their assets. "I do not expect to see the U.S. dollar lose its status as the world's reserve currency anytime soon, nor even see a significant decline in its primacy in trade and finance," Waller said.

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If the U.S. dollar collapses: The cost of imports will become more expensive. The government will not be able to borrow at current rates, resulting in a deficit that will need to be filled by increasing taxes or printing money.

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China has pursued de-dollarization — efforts to reduce global reliance on the U.S. dollar for trade and financial transactions — through partnerships with non-Western regional and multilateral groups, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS, by advocating for the use of local currencies in ...

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Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has been one of the most vocal proponents of setting up alternative trade-settlement currencies, going as far as to egg on Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa to move away from the US dollar.

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If China (or any other nation that has a trade surplus with the U.S.) stops buying U.S. Treasuries or even starts dumping its U.S. forex reserves, its trade surplus would become a trade deficit—something which no export-oriented economy would want, as they would be worse off as a result.

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China has offloaded USD 22.7 billion US treasury bills recently over concerns over security and a further delay to expected interest rate cuts by the American Federal Reserve, amidst its intensified strategic rivalry with Washington.

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For US investors, the easiest and least expensive way to invest in BRICS is through an exchange-traded fund (ETF). Like all ETFs, exchange-traded funds that specialize in BRICS invest in a basket of stocks to track a stock index.

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In a world where the economic landscape is in a constant state of flux, the idea of a currency backed by tangible assets is gaining traction. Enter the concept of the BRICS currency backed by gold—a potential game-changer in the realm of global finance.

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BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.

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The world's financial markets are encountering a force they didn't bet on for 2024: A strong dollar is back and looks set to stay.

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In 2023, the US dollar has gone through some troubles with inflation and concerns of a recession, but it remains one of the most secure currencies in the world. The US dollar shows no sign of losing its place as the world's reserve currency, and is still $5.6tn ahead of China with its GDP.

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A collapsing dollar typically leads to inflation, which can inflate your home's nominal value but also increase everything else dramatically. This means while your home might be worth more on paper, everyday expenses like groceries, utilities, and repairs become so much more expensive.

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We expect 2024 to be a year of diverging trends for the dollar. It will likely move lower on a broad trade-weighted basis early in the year but stabilize as the year progresses. Although we expect a general downward drift for the dollar, performance of individual currencies will likely vary widely.

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A physical asset that appreciates will always be valuable in a stock market crash. The most valuable assets in this situation include items like artwork, cars, jewelry, and other collectibles. Physical gold is another valuable asset that can be used as a safe haven in times of economic turmoil.

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Easy monetary policy by the Fed can weaken the dollar when investment capital flees the U.S. as investors search elsewhere for higher yield. Declining economic growth and corporate profits can cause investors to take their money elsewhere.

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The highest-valued currency in the world is the Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD). Since it was first introduced in 1960, the Kuwaiti dinar has consistently ranked as the world's most valuable currency.

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