Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (2024)

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Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (3)

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Experience what thousand of Canadians have already seen. This program is the best financial education in the country.

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (4)

Great Speakers

Funny. Inspiring. And brutally honest. Our speakers will engage and entertain you while providing rock solid perspective on building your financial health.

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (5)

Gain Knowledge

Our team has a tremendous gift for explaining challenging money concepts in a simple and entertaining way. You will leave this event with a wealth of practical knowledge.

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (6)

Get Motivated

Great Speakers. Incredible Information. We turn education into action. You will be inspired into action with tangible next step and the tool and resources you need to get it done.

Our Event Speakers

Dynamic, energetic and hilarious, Kevin has presented in front of over 100,000 people on the importance of financial awareness. He remains one of the most sought after speakers in the country.


Kevin Cochran

Kevin has a unique gift of using honest and simple language to help Canadians understand and capitalize on two of the most important savings tools in Canada: the TFSA and RRSP.

Head, Corporations and Institutions

Kevin McCarthy

Practical and extremely down to earth, Jay turns over 20 years of real estate investing knowledge into a simple to follow process to help anyone understand and capitalize on the real estate market.

COO / Co-Founder

Jay Seabrook

Arian is a master of taking complex money issues, removing the nonsense and noise and then telling you exactly what you need to know when it comes to being smarter with your saving and investing strategies.

Vice President, Sales

Arian Beyzaei

Engaging, empathetic and sincere, Alanna has a unique gift for helping Canadians understand budgeting and planning, while empowering them to take action.

Head of Financial Coaching

Alanna Abramsky

Our Event Speakers

Vice President, Sales

Arian Beyzaei

Arian is a master of taking complex money issues, removing the nonsense and noise and then telling you exactly what you need to know when it comes to being smarter with your saving and investing strategies.

More about Arian B.

Arian is a master of taking complex money issues, removing the nonsense and noise and then telling you exactly what you need to know when it comes to being smarter with your saving and investing strategies.


COO / Partner

Jay Seabrook

Practical and extremely down to earth, Jay turns over 20 years of real estate investing knowledge into a simple to follow process to help anyone understand and capitalize on the real estate market.

More about Jay S.

Practical and extremely down to earth, Jay turns over 20 years of real estate investing knowledge into a simple to follow process to help anyone understand and capitalize on the real estate market.


COO / Partner

Kevin Cochran

Dynamic, energetic and hilarious, Kevin has presented in front of over 100,000 people on the importance of financial awareness. He remains one of the most sought after speakers in the country.

More about Kevin C.

Dynamic, energetic and hilarious, Kevin has presented in front of over 100,000 people on the importance of financial awareness. He remains one of the most sought after speakers in the country.


Head of Financial Coaching

Alanna Abramsky

Engaging, empathetic and sincere, Alanna has a unique gift for helping Canadians understand budgeting and planning, while empowering them to take action.

More about Alanna A.

Engaging, empathetic and sincere, Alanna has a unique gift for helping Canadians understand budgeting and planning, while empowering them to take action.


Head, Corporations and Institutions

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin has a unique gift of using honest and simple language to help Canadians understand and capitalize on two of the most important savings tools in Canada: the TFSA and RRSP.

More about Kevin M.

Kevin has a unique gift of using honest and simple language to help Canadians understand and capitalize on two of the most important savings tools in Canada: the TFSA and RRSP.


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Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (15)

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Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (19)

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Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (22)

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Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (25)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (26)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (27)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (28)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (29)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (30)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (31)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (32)

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Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (38)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (40)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (42)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (44)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (46)

Enriched Academy Works!

Hear what our customers have to say.

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (47)

Your finances are so important to your overall well being and that of your family. Enriched Academy continually teaches us how to stay on top of our financial picture and we could not be any happier that we have gained that control back.

Anita Kapitanchuck

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (48)

I watched a video from Enriched Academy about Understanding Credit Scores and found the video invaluable with its information as my credit score was in bad shape from bankruptcy in 2018. I decided to book an appointment for an Assessment call to learn more about financial coaching and see if Enriched Academy was right for me. During that call, the individual was warm and friendly, and there was no pressure at all. And even though I still had some reservations I was won over by the fact the individual had gone through the program themselves and described it as a "game changer." After that, I dove head-first! Danielle Corcoran became my Financial Coach and worked with me for the next 6 months. Every session with her was great! She never once made me feel bad about where I was financial, she is kind, warm, friendly, personable, and genuinely wants to help. She is very knowledgeable and empathetic. I was someone who had no financial literacy, no discipline when it came to budgeting, a collapsed credit score due to bankruptcy 4 years ago, late bill payments and not understanding the repercussions of it, not knowing where my money goes every week and having no understanding of investing. Every session we tackled something new and it first started with learning where I spend my money and why I am always short on cash, which was pretty alarming. What is my Net Worth presently and where it will be in 6-months? Then she taught me how to budget (and that it can be fun), categorize my savings, learn financial defence and then focus on financial offence, with Fixed, Variables, and Long-Term, accounts. Tackling my credit score took a lot of work, regardless of being discharged, but I was able to recognize where the Credit Bureaus hadn't done their due diligence. It will take a while to get it where it was but at least it is in motion now. And I just started investing in ETF which is pretty cool! Along with Danielle's coaching, the Enriched Academy has videos that teach you about a diversity of financial literacy areas from TFSA/RRSP, Income Properties, etc and interviews with Financial Experts. And the videos are always interesting and informative. Enriched Academy IS a game-changer! It changes your mindset. At the end of 6 months, I no longer eat out (unless for a special occasion), spend money foolishly at the spur of the moment, I know where my money is going, bills are paid on time, I plan my meals and cook at home and I no longer spend $400/month eating on the go, no longer buy coffees at Starbucks whenever the mood strikes but drink the coffee at work (which saves me a ton of money) and enjoy my coffee at home on weekends. I am not burning through my money cluelessly before the next pay cheque. Having a Financial Coach is no different than having a Fitness Coach. They will get you further than you could on your own, support you along the way, hold you accountable but mainly learn to be accountable to yourself, and teach you that the journey can be exciting and not worry about money every month. My Net Worth has risen substantially! And I have decided to continue working with my Financial Coach as the financial journey never ends.

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Mike Zita

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (49)

Going through Enriched Academy's coaching program has truly been one of the best investments of my life. As a newly divorced mom of 2, I realized that I needed to get organized with my finances. Suddenly the weight of it all was on my shoulders and I wanted to make sure that my kids and I were going to be safe now and far into the future. I attended an online webinar hosted by Kevin and could tell that Enriched Academy was an honest company trying to do some good. To be honest, it was a bit scary to sign up as I didn't feel like I had the financial means to do so but I knew in my gut that this would be worth it and was it ever! This program has completely paid for itself. Yes, I've reduced my spending, improved my credit score, and increased my net worth... but the biggest result for me was having the confidence for the first time in my life when it comes to my finances. I know exactly where I stand financially, what my future goals are, and the steps I need to take to get there. This always felt like a big, scary, and complicated task, but with the help of my coach, I finally feel confident about my financial future. This program has changed my life and I am forever grateful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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Michelle H.

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (50)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (51)

The accountability with Megan was was absolutely enormous. That's kind of what we needed. And after completing the coaching program I just have the sense of relief.We're both on the same page with regards to our finances and I just feel way more confident and relaxed about our financial.During the budget and working with Megan, we were actually able to buy a condo in Langley, BC which was just enormous because I really didn't think that that was going to be possible. And that was really all because of the the budgeting that we we knew that we were able to do it and we had RSVP's we were able to utilize the first home buyers plan and and now I have you know investments I have the confidence to invest.

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Andrea And Dan

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (52)

I started my coaching with Alanna in June 2022. I was recently divorced with two young kids and my financial situation was causing me a great deal of stress. My sister had completed the Enriched Academy program and encouraged me to look into it. I had some hesitation around the cost of coaching, but I knew that I needed to gain control of my financial situation, so I decided to go ahead with it.For my entire adult life, I have been in debt. No matter how much my income was, I always managed to spend it, and more. My debt was growing every month and I did my best not to add up all the balances on my credit cards and lines of credit, because that number was scary and was slowly getting worse. I barely paid attention to prices and always treated myself to meals out, new clothing and vacations. My spending was out of control and I didn't know where to start or how to be strategic about fixing my situation.Through coaching, Alanna helped me to analyze my spending and look for ways to cut my bills back. She encouraged me to sell things I don't need need and put the cash toward my debt. I quickly became sharply focused on how I could put as much money as possible toward my debt. Watching my net worth grow has been so satisfying and even more fun than buying clothes! For the very first time in my life, I'm excited about NOT spending money. And now, when I take a vacation or go for a dinner that I've budgeted for, they're even more fun because I know I'm not setting myself backwards.Alanna also had me look at how much I will need for retirement, which was a lot more than I had guessed. I have a pension at work and had always just figured that would cover my retirement, but it became clear that saving and investing is definitely necessary for me to have the life I want in retirement. Once my debts are paid, I am very excited to move into investment-mode, with the support of the Maintenance Program.I have made a huge impact on my debt in the last 6 months, and I expect to clear the rest of my consumer debt by the middle of 2023. This will be the first time in 20 years I'll be able to say that I'm debt free. Words cannot express how grateful I am for Alanna, the program, and to my sister for encouraging me to join. I didn't even realize how much my debt was weighing on me until it started to lift. I feel such pride and excitement that I am finally in control of my life.I cannot say enough wonderful things about this program and I can say with confidence that it's changed my life.

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Carmen H.

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (53)

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (54)

We contacted the Enriched Academy to see if the program would help us getting our finances in order. We are citizens of Canada and the US so our situation was a little bit complex as it span across the border. We are also mature newlyweds and wanted to get a grasp on our new financial situations, after both of us were single for a long time. We enjoyed working with Alanna very much. She was very to the point, understood our situation and listened to us. She guided us through what we thought was a very difficult decision to take our considerable savings to pay off our debts. Turns out, it was not as difficult as we thought and actually brought us peace of mind that we are right now, debt-free. Additionally, doing the budget and seeing where we were bleeding money was truly eye opening! The financial investment into the program was worth every penny as within the 6 months, we lowered our expenses by a similar amount. We continue to use the budget and follow the advice we received. We would encourage everyone to go through the program. You will find that regardless of where you think your finances are, you will gain knowledge and learn tools that will help you in the long run. We wish this program was taught in high school when we were attending!

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Karolina And Don

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (55)

One of if not the best financial decision I made, it paid for its self 10x over at least. Stick to the system, and it works, yes you might slip into old habits but as long as you go back to the system it's works. Contact me anytime, I will share my story.

Chris Jackson

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (56)

The Enriched Academy Coaching program has been life changing! I learned the incredible value of budgeting and understanding where all my money was going.

Karey Salem

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (57)

After completing my first year of Financial Freedom coaching andseeing incredible results with my finances, it was a no-brainer thatI continue with the Wealth Builder Program.The continuation of coaching is quite amazing. I received so muchbenefit in organizing my finances and setting up the foundationthroughout Financial Freedom. But, in the Wealth Builder program,I really put new knowledge into action. My TFSA increased$15,217, I saved $2,353 in MER fees, and $5,950 in interestcharges against an investment loan that I decided to cash in.Overall, my Net Worth increased by $99,239. The most incrediblepart; I started to use my HELOC to invest in private lending,allowing me to see returns between 8-11%.My money is truly working for me while I am sleeping, and I ammore diversified in my finances than I have ever been in mylife. Having a coach in your corner throughout Financial Freedomis amazing but continuing with their Wealth Builder Coaching wasthe best financial decision that I ever made. I’m currently in my 5thyear of working with them, and the results just keep gettingbetter!

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Kimme Myles

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (58)

I was floored by the Enriched Academy Wealth Building Bootcamp, so much so my wife and I signed up for the coaching program the day of the Bootcamp. It’s truly one of the best investments we’ve ever made.

Sara Walsh And Brett Perreault

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (59)

Enriched Academy gave us the tools, insights and knowledge to budget our lifestyle while saving and investing for our future. A huge thank you from us.

Jeff Poh

Empowering Financial Education Delivered Online and In-person (60)

If you are considering Financial Coaching as a method to improve your personal financial situation, my question to you is…What are you waiting for? Do it. Now. There will never be a better time than now. Invest in yourself, your future and your family. You won't be disappointed in the results from Enriched Academy.

Jackie Mussel

Your finances are so important to your overall well being and that of your family. Enriched Academy continually teaches us how to stay on top of our financial picture and we could not be any happier that we have gained that control back.


Anita Kapitanchuck

Your finances are so important to your overall well being and that of your family. Enriched Academy continually teaches us how to stay on top of our financial picture and we could not be any happier that we have gained that control back.

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I watched a video from Enriched Academy about Understanding Credit Scores and found the video invaluable with its information as my credit score was in bad shape from bankruptcy in 2018. I decided to book an appointment for an Assessment call to learn more about financial coaching and see if Enriched Academy was right for me. During that call, the individual was warm and friendly, and there was no pressure at all. And even though I still had some reservations I was won over by the fact the individual had gone through the program themselves and described it as a "game changer." After that, I dove head-first! Danielle Corcoran became my Financial Coach and worked with me for the next 6 months. Every session with her was great! She never once made me feel bad about where I was financial, she is kind, warm, friendly, personable, and genuinely wants to help. She is very knowledgeable and empathetic. I was someone who had no financial literacy, no discipline when it came to budgeting, a collapsed credit score due to bankruptcy 4 years ago, late bill payments and not understanding the repercussions of it, not knowing where my money goes every week and having no understanding of investing. Every session we tackled something new and it first started with learning where I spend my money and why I am always short on cash, which was pretty alarming. What is my Net Worth presently and where it will be in 6-months? Then she taught me how to budget (and that it can be fun), categorize my savings, learn financial defence and then focus on financial offence, with Fixed, Variables, and Long-Term, accounts. Tackling my credit score took a lot of work, regardless of being discharged, but I was able to recognize where the Credit Bureaus hadn't done their due diligence. It will take a while to get it where it was but at least it is in motion now. And I just started investing in ETF which is pretty cool! Along with Danielle's coaching, the Enriched Academy has videos that teach you about a diversity of financial literacy areas from TFSA/RRSP, Income Properties, etc and interviews with Financial Experts. And the videos are always interesting and informative. Enriched Academy IS a game-changer! It changes your mindset. At the end of 6 months, I no longer eat out (unless for a special occasion), spend money foolishly at the spur of the moment, I know where my money is going, bills are paid on time, I plan my meals and cook at home and I no longer spend $400/month eating on the go, no longer buy coffees at Starbucks whenever the mood strikes but drink the coffee at work (which saves me a ton of money) and enjoy my coffee at home on weekends. I am not burning through my money cluelessly before the next pay cheque. Having a Financial Coach is no different than having a Fitness Coach. They will get you further than you could on your own, support you along the way, hold you accountable but mainly learn to be accountable to yourself, and teach you that the journey can be exciting and not worry about money every month. My Net Worth has risen substantially! And I have decided to continue working with my Financial Coach as the financial journey never ends.


Mike Zita

I watched a video from Enriched Academy about Understanding Credit Scores and found the video invaluable with its information as my credit score was in bad shape from bankruptcy in 2018. I decided to book an appointment for an Assessment call to learn more about financial coaching and see if Enriched Academy was right for me. During that call, the individual was warm and friendly, and there was no pressure at all. And even though I still had some reservations I was won over by the fact the individual had gone through the program themselves and described it as a "game changer." After that, I dove head-first! Danielle Corcoran became my Financial Coach and worked with me for the next 6 months. Every session with her was great! She never once made me feel bad about where I was financial, she is kind, warm, friendly, personable, and genuinely wants to help. She is very knowledgeable and empathetic. I was someone who had no financial literacy, no discipline when it came to budgeting, a collapsed credit score due to bankruptcy 4 years ago, late bill payments and not understanding the repercussions of it, not knowing where my money goes every week and having no understanding of investing. Every session we tackled something new and it first started with learning where I spend my money and why I am always short on cash, which was pretty alarming. What is my Net Worth presently and where it will be in 6-months? Then she taught me how to budget (and that it can be fun), categorize my savings, learn financial defence and then focus on financial offence, with Fixed, Variables, and Long-Term, accounts. Tackling my credit score took a lot of work, regardless of being discharged, but I was able to recognize where the Credit Bureaus hadn't done their due diligence. It will take a while to get it where it was but at least it is in motion now. And I just started investing in ETF which is pretty cool! Along with Danielle's coaching, the Enriched Academy has videos that teach you about a diversity of financial literacy areas from TFSA/RRSP, Income Properties, etc and interviews with Financial Experts. And the videos are always interesting and informative. Enriched Academy IS a game-changer! It changes your mindset. At the end of 6 months, I no longer eat out (unless for a special occasion), spend money foolishly at the spur of the moment, I know where my money is going, bills are paid on time, I plan my meals and cook at home and I no longer spend $400/month eating on the go, no longer buy coffees at Starbucks whenever the mood strikes but drink the coffee at work (which saves me a ton of money) and enjoy my coffee at home on weekends. I am not burning through my money cluelessly before the next pay cheque. Having a Financial Coach is no different than having a Fitness Coach. They will get you further than you could on your own, support you along the way, hold you accountable but mainly learn to be accountable to yourself, and teach you that the journey can be exciting and not worry about money every month. My Net Worth has risen substantially! And I have decided to continue working with my Financial Coach as the financial journey never ends.

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Going through Enriched Academy's coaching program has truly been one of the best investments of my life. As a newly divorced mom of 2, I realized that I needed to get organized with my finances. Suddenly the weight of it all was on my shoulders and I wanted to make sure that my kids and I were going to be safe now and far into the future. I attended an online webinar hosted by Kevin and could tell that Enriched Academy was an honest company trying to do some good. To be honest, it was a bit scary to sign up as I didn't feel like I had the financial means to do so but I knew in my gut that this would be worth it and was it ever! This program has completely paid for itself. Yes, I've reduced my spending, improved my credit score, and increased my net worth... but the biggest result for me was having the confidence for the first time in my life when it comes to my finances. I know exactly where I stand financially, what my future goals are, and the steps I need to take to get there. This always felt like a big, scary, and complicated task, but with the help of my coach, I finally feel confident about my financial future. This program has changed my life and I am forever grateful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Michelle H.

Going through Enriched Academy's coaching program has truly been one of the best investments of my life. As a newly divorced mom of 2, I realized that I needed to get organized with my finances. Suddenly the weight of it all was on my shoulders and I wanted to make sure that my kids and I were going to be safe now and far into the future. I attended an online webinar hosted by Kevin and could tell that Enriched Academy was an honest company trying to do some good. To be honest, it was a bit scary to sign up as I didn't feel like I had the financial means to do so but I knew in my gut that this would be worth it and was it ever! This program has completely paid for itself. Yes, I've reduced my spending, improved my credit score, and increased my net worth... but the biggest result for me was having the confidence for the first time in my life when it comes to my finances. I know exactly where I stand financially, what my future goals are, and the steps I need to take to get there. This always felt like a big, scary, and complicated task, but with the help of my coach, I finally feel confident about my financial future. This program has changed my life and I am forever grateful!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

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The accountability with Megan was was absolutely enormous. That's kind of what we needed. And after completing the coaching program I just have the sense of relief.We're both on the same page with regards to our finances and I just feel way more confident and relaxed about our financial.During the budget and working with Megan, we were actually able to buy a condo in Langley, BC which was just enormous because I really didn't think that that was going to be possible. And that was really all because of the the budgeting that we we knew that we were able to do it and we had RSVP's we were able to utilize the first home buyers plan and and now I have you know investments I have the confidence to invest.


Andrea And Dan

The accountability with Megan was was absolutely enormous. That's kind of what we needed. And after completing the coaching program I just have the sense of relief.We're both on the same page with regards to our finances and I just feel way more confident and relaxed about our financial.During the budget and working with Megan, we were actually able to buy a condo in Langley, BC which was just enormous because I really didn't think that that was going to be possible. And that was really all because of the the budgeting that we we knew that we were able to do it and we had RSVP's we were able to utilize the first home buyers plan and and now I have you know investments I have the confidence to invest.

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I started my coaching with Alanna in June 2022. I was recently divorced with two young kids and my financial situation was causing me a great deal of stress. My sister had completed the Enriched Academy program and encouraged me to look into it. I had some hesitation around the cost of coaching, but I knew that I needed to gain control of my financial situation, so I decided to go ahead with it.For my entire adult life, I have been in debt. No matter how much my income was, I always managed to spend it, and more. My debt was growing every month and I did my best not to add up all the balances on my credit cards and lines of credit, because that number was scary and was slowly getting worse. I barely paid attention to prices and always treated myself to meals out, new clothing and vacations. My spending was out of control and I didn't know where to start or how to be strategic about fixing my situation.Through coaching, Alanna helped me to analyze my spending and look for ways to cut my bills back. She encouraged me to sell things I don't need need and put the cash toward my debt. I quickly became sharply focused on how I could put as much money as possible toward my debt. Watching my net worth grow has been so satisfying and even more fun than buying clothes! For the very first time in my life, I'm excited about NOT spending money. And now, when I take a vacation or go for a dinner that I've budgeted for, they're even more fun because I know I'm not setting myself backwards.Alanna also had me look at how much I will need for retirement, which was a lot more than I had guessed. I have a pension at work and had always just figured that would cover my retirement, but it became clear that saving and investing is definitely necessary for me to have the life I want in retirement. Once my debts are paid, I am very excited to move into investment-mode, with the support of the Maintenance Program.I have made a huge impact on my debt in the last 6 months, and I expect to clear the rest of my consumer debt by the middle of 2023. This will be the first time in 20 years I'll be able to say that I'm debt free. Words cannot express how grateful I am for Alanna, the program, and to my sister for encouraging me to join. I didn't even realize how much my debt was weighing on me until it started to lift. I feel such pride and excitement that I am finally in control of my life.I cannot say enough wonderful things about this program and I can say with confidence that it's changed my life.


Carmen H.

I started my coaching with Alanna in June 2022. I was recently divorced with two young kids and my financial situation was causing me a great deal of stress. My sister had completed the Enriched Academy program and encouraged me to look into it. I had some hesitation around the cost of coaching, but I knew that I needed to gain control of my financial situation, so I decided to go ahead with it.For my entire adult life, I have been in debt. No matter how much my income was, I always managed to spend it, and more. My debt was growing every month and I did my best not to add up all the balances on my credit cards and lines of credit, because that number was scary and was slowly getting worse. I barely paid attention to prices and always treated myself to meals out, new clothing and vacations. My spending was out of control and I didn't know where to start or how to be strategic about fixing my situation.Through coaching, Alanna helped me to analyze my spending and look for ways to cut my bills back. She encouraged me to sell things I don't need need and put the cash toward my debt. I quickly became sharply focused on how I could put as much money as possible toward my debt. Watching my net worth grow has been so satisfying and even more fun than buying clothes! For the very first time in my life, I'm excited about NOT spending money. And now, when I take a vacation or go for a dinner that I've budgeted for, they're even more fun because I know I'm not setting myself backwards.Alanna also had me look at how much I will need for retirement, which was a lot more than I had guessed. I have a pension at work and had always just figured that would cover my retirement, but it became clear that saving and investing is definitely necessary for me to have the life I want in retirement. Once my debts are paid, I am very excited to move into investment-mode, with the support of the Maintenance Program.I have made a huge impact on my debt in the last 6 months, and I expect to clear the rest of my consumer debt by the middle of 2023. This will be the first time in 20 years I'll be able to say that I'm debt free. Words cannot express how grateful I am for Alanna, the program, and to my sister for encouraging me to join. I didn't even realize how much my debt was weighing on me until it started to lift. I feel such pride and excitement that I am finally in control of my life.I cannot say enough wonderful things about this program and I can say with confidence that it's changed my life.

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We contacted the Enriched Academy to see if the program would help us getting our finances in order. We are citizens of Canada and the US so our situation was a little bit complex as it span across the border. We are also mature newlyweds and wanted to get a grasp on our new financial situations, after both of us were single for a long time. We enjoyed working with Alanna very much. She was very to the point, understood our situation and listened to us. She guided us through what we thought was a very difficult decision to take our considerable savings to pay off our debts. Turns out, it was not as difficult as we thought and actually brought us peace of mind that we are right now, debt-free. Additionally, doing the budget and seeing where we were bleeding money was truly eye opening! The financial investment into the program was worth every penny as within the 6 months, we lowered our expenses by a similar amount. We continue to use the budget and follow the advice we received. We would encourage everyone to go through the program. You will find that regardless of where you think your finances are, you will gain knowledge and learn tools that will help you in the long run. We wish this program was taught in high school when we were attending!


Karolina And Don

We contacted the Enriched Academy to see if the program would help us getting our finances in order. We are citizens of Canada and the US so our situation was a little bit complex as it span across the border. We are also mature newlyweds and wanted to get a grasp on our new financial situations, after both of us were single for a long time. We enjoyed working with Alanna very much. She was very to the point, understood our situation and listened to us. She guided us through what we thought was a very difficult decision to take our considerable savings to pay off our debts. Turns out, it was not as difficult as we thought and actually brought us peace of mind that we are right now, debt-free. Additionally, doing the budget and seeing where we were bleeding money was truly eye opening! The financial investment into the program was worth every penny as within the 6 months, we lowered our expenses by a similar amount. We continue to use the budget and follow the advice we received. We would encourage everyone to go through the program. You will find that regardless of where you think your finances are, you will gain knowledge and learn tools that will help you in the long run. We wish this program was taught in high school when we were attending!

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One of if not the best financial decision I made, it paid for its self 10x over at least. Stick to the system, and it works, yes you might slip into old habits but as long as you go back to the system it's works. Contact me anytime, I will share my story.


Chris Jackson

One of if not the best financial decision I made, it paid for its self 10x over at least. Stick to the system, and it works, yes you might slip into old habits but as long as you go back to the system it's works. Contact me anytime, I will share my story.

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The Enriched Academy Coaching program has been life changing! I learned the incredible value of budgeting and understanding where all my money was going.


Karey Salem

The Enriched Academy Coaching program has been life changing! I learned the incredible value of budgeting and understanding where all my money was going.

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After completing my first year of Financial Freedom coaching andseeing incredible results with my finances, it was a no-brainer thatI continue with the Wealth Builder Program.The continuation of coaching is quite amazing. I received so muchbenefit in organizing my finances and setting up the foundationthroughout Financial Freedom. But, in the Wealth Builder program,I really put new knowledge into action. My TFSA increased$15,217, I saved $2,353 in MER fees, and $5,950 in interestcharges against an investment loan that I decided to cash in.Overall, my Net Worth increased by $99,239. The most incrediblepart; I started to use my HELOC to invest in private lending,allowing me to see returns between 8-11%.My money is truly working for me while I am sleeping, and I ammore diversified in my finances than I have ever been in mylife. Having a coach in your corner throughout Financial Freedomis amazing but continuing with their Wealth Builder Coaching wasthe best financial decision that I ever made. I’m currently in my 5thyear of working with them, and the results just keep gettingbetter!


Kimme Myles

After completing my first year of Financial Freedom coaching andseeing incredible results with my finances, it was a no-brainer thatI continue with the Wealth Builder Program.The continuation of coaching is quite amazing. I received so muchbenefit in organizing my finances and setting up the foundationthroughout Financial Freedom. But, in the Wealth Builder program,I really put new knowledge into action. My TFSA increased$15,217, I saved $2,353 in MER fees, and $5,950 in interestcharges against an investment loan that I decided to cash in.Overall, my Net Worth increased by $99,239. The most incrediblepart; I started to use my HELOC to invest in private lending,allowing me to see returns between 8-11%.My money is truly working for me while I am sleeping, and I ammore diversified in my finances than I have ever been in mylife. Having a coach in your corner throughout Financial Freedomis amazing but continuing with their Wealth Builder Coaching wasthe best financial decision that I ever made. I’m currently in my 5thyear of working with them, and the results just keep gettingbetter!

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I was floored by the Enriched Academy Wealth Building Bootcamp, so much so my wife and I signed up for the coaching program the day of the Bootcamp. It’s truly one of the best investments we’ve ever made.


Sara Walsh And Brett Perreault

I was floored by the Enriched Academy Wealth Building Bootcamp, so much so my wife and I signed up for the coaching program the day of the Bootcamp. It’s truly one of the best investments we’ve ever made.

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Enriched Academy gave us the tools, insights and knowledge to budget our lifestyle while saving and investing for our future. A huge thank you from us.


Jeff Poh

Enriched Academy gave us the tools, insights and knowledge to budget our lifestyle while saving and investing for our future. A huge thank you from us.

If you are considering Financial Coaching as a method to improve your personal financial situation, my question to you is…What are you waiting for? Do it. Now. There will never be a better time than now. Invest in yourself, your future and your family. You won't be disappointed in the results from Enriched Academy.


Jackie Mussel

If you are considering Financial Coaching as a method to improve your personal financial situation, my question to you is…What are you waiting for? Do it. Now. There will never be a better time than now. Invest in yourself, your future and your family. You won't be disappointed in the results from Enriched Academy.

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It is a great and full day. Registration is at 8:30 – and the event runs from 9 – 4:30. Not to worry – it is energetic, funny and inspiration – the day goes quick – we promise!

Absolutely, we have our coaches on site – and happy to field calls at any time.

We strongly encourage it. Once you experience this first hand and see how it changes people’s lives, you will want to help us educate more Canadians. And it is great if we start with the people you know and love!

We have had kids as young as 10 – and a few well into their 80’s. Anybody 15 and older is going to get a lot out of this day. And many people bring their families. Give us a call at 1-800-892-9228 and we can tell you about a family discount!

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 6486

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.