Guide to running multiple GPU work units (2024)

What is this?
ATI/AMD users will notice that by default their GPU isn't loaded to 100% and NVIDIA users may have GPU's that are capable of more compute work. This allows you to manually set how many work units you want to crunch simultaneously on your GPU.

How does it work?
You create a file called app_info.xml inside the project folder of your BOINC Data folder (normally: C:\Program Data\BOINC\Data\projects\ The contents of this file will determine:
- How many GPU WU to run at a time
- Which WCG projects to run

Intestested! Where do I start?
The basic steps to this are:

ThE_MaD_ShOt said:

1: Create new profile on wcg site with HCC only and make it default.
2: Attach the rig you want to crunch the app_info with to the profile
3: Uninstall Boinc/Wcg
4: Delete folder under program Data
5: reboot
6: Install Wcg Client from Wcg site.
7: Reboot
8: Attach to project and immediately set to no new task.
9: Shut down client
10: Add your app_info file
(Default Windows 7: C:\Program Data\BOINC\Data\projects\
(Default Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BOINC\Data\projects\
11: Restart Client
12: Allow new task
13: Reboot just because.

GPU User settings
(Please modify these to suit your system. If in doubt, ask.)

Replace the number in <count>.5</count> according to how many GPU WU you want to run at same time:

  • .5 for 2 GPU work units
  • .33 for 3 GPU work units
  • .25 for 4 GPU work units

1 / Desired GPU WU Total = count
(example: 1 / 4 GPU WU = 0.5 coprocessor count)

This applies to both single and multiple GPU setups.

CPU User settings
If you want to run more GPU work units than you have CPU cores, change the <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> line to specify how much of a thread to use on average:

Total CPU Threads / Total GPU WU Total = avg_ncpus
(example: Dual core CPU / 4 GPU WU = 0.5 avg_ncpus)

This applies to both single and multiple GPU setups.

Multiple card setup

If you're using mixed cards by default BOINC uses the best one, and in some cases may not use all your GPU even if they're the same. To use more than one GPU in the same machine go to the BOINC data folder (normally: C:\Program Data\BOINC) and look for file "cc_config.xml". If it doesn't exist, create it but the contents should have the following:

(Current HCC version: 7.05)
If you want to crunch all projects, you can use this link for reference information:
An example of this in use by Norton:



<app_info> <app> <name>hcc1</name> <user_friendly_name>Help Conquer Cancer</user_friendly_name> </app> <file_info> <name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__ati_hcc1</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name></name> <executable/> </file_info> <app_version> <app_name>hcc1</app_name> <version_num>705</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <plan_class>ati_hcc1</plan_class> <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.0</max_ncpus> <coproc> <type>ATI</type> <count>.5</count> </coproc> <file_ref> <file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__ati_hcc1</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name></file_name> <open_name></open_name> </file_ref> </app_version> </app_info>



<app_info> <app> <name>hcc1</name> <user_friendly_name>Help Conquer Cancer</user_friendly_name> </app> <file_info> <name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__ati_hcc1</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name></name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info><name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86</name><executable/> </file_info><app_version> <app_name>hcc1</app_name> <version_num>705</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <plan_class>ati_hcc1</plan_class> <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.0</max_ncpus> <coproc> <type>ATI</type> <count>.5</count> </coproc> <file_ref> <file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__ati_hcc1</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name></file_name> <open_name></open_name> </file_ref> </app_version><app_version><app_name>hcc1</app_name><version_num>705</version_num><platform>windows_intelx86</platform><avg_ncpus>1.000000</avg_ncpus><max_ncpus>1.000000</max_ncpus><api_version>6.13.0</api_version><file_ref><file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86</file_name><main_program/></file_ref></app_version></app_info>



<app_info> <app> <name>hcc1</name> <user_friendly_name>Help Conquer Cancer</user_friendly_name> </app> <file_info> <name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__ati_hcc1</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name></name> <executable/> </file_info> <app_version> <app_name>hcc1</app_name> <version_num>705</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <plan_class>ati_hcc1</plan_class> <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.0</max_ncpus> <coproc> <type>ATI</type> <count>.33</count> </coproc> <file_ref> <file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__ati_hcc1</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name></file_name> <open_name></open_name> </file_ref> </app_version><app> <name>gfam</name> <user_friendly_name>GO Fight Against Malaria</user_friendly_name></app> <file_info> <name>wcgrid_gfam_vina_6.12_windows_x86_64</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name>wcgrid_gfam_vina_prod_x86_64.exe.6.12</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name>wcgrid_gfam_gfx_prod_x86_64.exe.6.12</name> <executable/> </file_info><app_version> <app_name>gfam</app_name> <version_num>612</version_num> <platform>windows_x86_64</platform> <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.0</max_ncpus> <flops>3347548492.458962</flops> <api_version>7.1.0</api_version> <file_ref> <file_name>wcgrid_gfam_vina_6.12_windows_x86_64</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name>wcgrid_gfam_vina_prod_x86_64.exe.6.12</file_name> <open_name>AutoDockVina64.exe</open_name> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name>wcgrid_gfam_gfx_prod_x86_64.exe.6.12</file_name> <open_name>graphics_app</open_name> </file_ref></app_version><app_version> <app_name>gfam</app_name> <version_num>612</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <avg_ncpus>1.000000</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.000000</max_ncpus> <flops>3347548492.458962</flops> <api_version>7.1.0</api_version> <file_ref> <file_name>wcgrid_gfam_vina_6.12_windows_x86_64</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name>wcgrid_gfam_vina_prod_x86_64.exe.6.12</file_name> <open_name>AutoDockVina64.exe</open_name> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name>wcgrid_gfam_gfx_prod_x86_64.exe.6.12</file_name> <open_name>graphics_app</open_name> </file_ref></app_version></app_info>

NVIDIA GPU Only (No CPU work)


<app_info> <app> <name>hcc1</name> <user_friendly_name>Help Conquer Cancer</user_friendly_name> </app> <file_info> <name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__nvidia_hcc1</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name></name> <executable/> </file_info> <app_version> <app_name>hcc1</app_name> <version_num>705</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <plan_class>nvidia_hcc1</plan_class> <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.0</max_ncpus> <coproc> <type>CUDA</type> <count>.5</count> </coproc> <file_ref> <file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__nvidia_hcc1</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name></file_name> <open_name></open_name> </file_ref> </app_version></app_info>

NVIDIA GPU and CPU HCC (Both GPU and CPU Work units of HCC only)


<app_info> <app> <name>hcc1</name> <user_friendly_name>Help Conquer Cancer</user_friendly_name> </app> <file_info> <name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__nvidia_hcc1</name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name></name> <executable/> </file_info> <file_info> <name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86</name> <executable/> </file_info><app_version> <app_name>hcc1</app_name> <version_num>705</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <plan_class>nvidia_hcc1</plan_class> <avg_ncpus>1.0</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.0</max_ncpus> <coproc> <type>CUDA</type> <count>.5</count> </coproc> <file_ref> <file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86__nvidia_hcc1</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref> <file_ref> <file_name></file_name> <open_name></open_name> </file_ref></app_version><app_version> <app_name>hcc1</app_name> <version_num>705</version_num> <platform>windows_intelx86</platform> <avg_ncpus>1.000000</avg_ncpus> <max_ncpus>1.000000</max_ncpus> <file_ref> <file_name>wcg_hcc1_img_7.05_windows_intelx86</file_name> <main_program/> </file_ref></app_version></app_info>

Alternate method: If this setup doesn't work, an alternate method is described here:

Driver crahses:
If you are having driver crahses, the following registry modification might prevent that:
(Source: Bun-Bun from XS)


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Watchdog]"DisableBugCheck"="1"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Watchdog\Display]"EaRecovery"="0"

How many WU can my GPU handle?
This is hard to say. I am currently running 2 on my HD7770's. People with OC'd 6970's can do up to 6! Again, treat this as a test starting low.

Other useful tips:

ThE_MaD_ShOt said:

[Edited]Just be careful loading up the wu's. You only want to load the gpu to around 95%. If you load it to much you will start erroring out the wu's. Also make sure you have good case air flow as the card is going to steady be at 95 or so %. And as KieX stated use at your own risk.

ThE_MaD_ShOt said:

If you recieve this error under messages:

10/21/2012 10:19:43 PMWorld Community Grid[error] App version returned from anonymous platform project; ignoring

Simply ignore it.

If you receive this error:

10/21/2012 10:19:43 PMWorld Community Grid[error] No application found for task: windows_intelx86 640 ; discarding

It indicates that you have not spell the name of the application in the app_info.xml correct or the application is missing in the BOINC\Data\projects\ map, if that's the case you can hit 'Reset project' under 'Projects' in the BOINC manager.

Guide to running multiple GPU work units (2024)
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