Most foreign exchange transactions are for _______. A. intervention by central banks. B. interbank trades between international banks or nonbank dealers. C. retail trade. D. purchase of hard currencies. | (2024)

Business Foreign exchange market


Most foreign exchange transactions are for _____.

A. intervention by central banks.

B. interbank trades between international banks or nonbank dealers.

C. retail trade.

D. purchase of hard currencies.

Foreign exchange:

Foreign exchange is the process of converting the currency of a country with another in the foreign exchange market. These exchanges are handled internationally by banks. In other words, it is the mechanism through which currency is sold and bought.

Answer and Explanation:1

Option b is the correct option

Most foreign exchange transactions are for interbank trades between international banks or nonbank dealers. The...

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Most foreign exchange transactions are for _______. A. intervention by central banks. B. interbank trades between international banks or nonbank dealers. C. retail trade. D. purchase of hard currencies. | (1)

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Tools for Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk


Chapter 10/ Lesson 2


Discover tools that are used to hedge against foreign exchange risk, minimizing the risk of exchange rate fluctuations. Explore more about hedging risks and examine forward contracts, futures contracts, debt operations, and swap contracts and options.

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Most foreign exchange transactions are for _______. A. intervention by central banks.  B. interbank trades between international banks or nonbank dealers.  C. retail trade.  D. purchase of hard currencies. | (2024)
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