Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter … · 2020. 6. 9. · ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space


Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008 © Author(s) 2008. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. Advances in Geosciences South American perspective of the International Charter “Space and Major Disasters” A. Mahmood 1 , E. Cubero-Castan 2 , G. Platzeck 3 , and J. Bequignon 4 1 Satellite Operations, Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, J3Y 8Y9, Canada 2 Centre National d’ ´ Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France 3 Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, Buenos Aires, Argentina 4 European Space Agency, Paris, France Received: 8 June 2007 – Revised: 9 August 2007 – Accepted: 15 August 2007 – Published: 2 January 2008 Abstract. The International Charter “Space and Major Dis- asters” is about joint operations and tasking of imaging satel- lites and other space resources of the member space agen- cies and operators in the delivery of information products to assist in responding to disasters of natural and technologi- cal causes. Authorized Users, who are the civil protection, emergency response or similar organizations of a state that is member of the Charter, can request the data and products. A specialist, called the Project Manager (PM), manages the overall data acquisition and delivery process. Regional ini- tiatives, as for the Latin American countries, are under way to involve PMs from non-member states to have access to satellite data and apply these to disaster coverage in their respective regions. Volcanic eruptions are typical examples of disasters that affect the Latin American countries. A few Charter activations on this disaster type are described to high- light the information products provided under the Charter. 1 Introduction The International Charter “Space and Major Disasters” is the first space-based operational initiative to provide fast and as- sured access to satellite data and services during emergen- cies caused by natural or technological disasters. The Char- ter concept was introduced at the last global space confer- ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from around the world have been making this concept an exciting reality. The Charter operations were established in Novem- ber 2000 by the three founding members, namely the Eu- ropean Space Agency (ESA), the French Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), and the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The current membership of the Charter additionally includes the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- Correspondence to: A. Mahmood ([emailprotected]) ministration (NOAA) along with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the Argentinean Comision Nacional de Actividades Espa- ciales (CONAE), the British National Space Center (BNSC) and the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC), the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the China Na- tional Space Administration (CNSA). The uniqueness of the Charter lies in a single point of contact and a coordinated approach to space supported dis- aster relief offered by the Charter members. Data acquisi- tions from multiple sensors, both passive and active, onboard the participating satellites are carried out with high planning priorities, and information products are delivered with short turnaround through pre-identified users. As a step in the evolving Charter operations, the author- ities of the disaster-affected countries are being involved in managing the Charter events by means of various initiatives. A proposal to this effect is presently implemented in the countries of South and Central America. The proposal im- plementation provides for the training and certification of lo- cal staff to carry out the Project Manager’s function, which is described below. The staff gets access to the satellite data and the opportunity to supervise the delivery of data and in- formation products to the people working in the field. Of special interest to the South and Central American countries are the disasters caused by volcanic eruptions that are asso- ciated with the geotectonic setting of the region. Therefore, the paper is written with the purpose of briefly describing the Charter operational process and showing the type of data products specific to this disaster type. 2 Charter concept The Charter implementation is the responsibility of a Char- ter Executive Secretariat (Mahmood et al., 1998) where each member that has assumed the full Charter operational Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (3)

Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20,© Author(s) 2008. This work is licensedunder a Creative Commons License.

Advances inGeosciences

South American perspective of the International Charter “Spaceand Major Disasters”

A. Mahmood1, E. Cubero-Castan2, G. Platzeck3, and J. Bequignon4

1Satellite Operations, Canadian Space Agency, Saint-Hubert, Quebec, J3Y 8Y9, Canada2Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France3Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales, Buenos Aires, Argentina4European Space Agency, Paris, France

Received: 8 June 2007 – Revised: 9 August 2007 – Accepted: 15 August 2007 – Published: 2 January 2008

Abstract. The International Charter “Space and Major Dis-asters” is about joint operations and tasking of imaging satel-lites and other space resources of the member space agen-cies and operators in the delivery of information products toassist in responding to disasters of natural and technologi-cal causes. Authorized Users, who are the civil protection,emergency response or similar organizations of a state thatis member of the Charter, can request the data and products.A specialist, called the Project Manager (PM), manages theoverall data acquisition and delivery process. Regional ini-tiatives, as for the Latin American countries, are under wayto involve PMs from non-member states to have access tosatellite data and apply these to disaster coverage in theirrespective regions. Volcanic eruptions are typical examplesof disasters that affect the Latin American countries. A fewCharter activations on this disaster type are described to high-light the information products provided under the Charter.

1 Introduction

The International Charter “Space and Major Disasters” is thefirst space-based operational initiative to provide fast and as-sured access to satellite data and services during emergen-cies caused by natural or technological disasters. The Char-ter concept was introduced at the last global space confer-ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies fromaround the world have been making this concept an excitingreality. The Charter operations were established in Novem-ber 2000 by the three founding members, namely the Eu-ropean Space Agency (ESA), the French Centre Nationald’Etudes Spatiales (CNES), and the Canadian Space Agency(CSA). The current membership of the Charter additionallyincludes the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad-

Correspondence to:A. Mahmood([emailprotected])

ministration (NOAA) along with the U.S. Geological Survey(USGS), the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO),the Argentinean Comision Nacional de Actividades Espa-ciales (CONAE), the British National Space Center (BNSC)and the Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC), the JapanAerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), and the China Na-tional Space Administration (CNSA).

The uniqueness of the Charter lies in a single point ofcontact and a coordinated approach to space supported dis-aster relief offered by the Charter members. Data acquisi-tions from multiple sensors, both passive and active, onboardthe participating satellites are carried out with high planningpriorities, and information products are delivered with shortturnaround through pre-identified users.

As a step in the evolving Charter operations, the author-ities of the disaster-affected countries are being involved inmanaging the Charter events by means of various initiatives.A proposal to this effect is presently implemented in thecountries of South and Central America. The proposal im-plementation provides for the training and certification of lo-cal staff to carry out the Project Manager’s function, whichis described below. The staff gets access to the satellite dataand the opportunity to supervise the delivery of data and in-formation products to the people working in the field. Ofspecial interest to the South and Central American countriesare the disasters caused by volcanic eruptions that are asso-ciated with the geotectonic setting of the region. Therefore,the paper is written with the purpose of briefly describingthe Charter operational process and showing the type of dataproducts specific to this disaster type.

2 Charter concept

The Charter implementation is the responsibility of a Char-ter Executive Secretariat (Mahmood et al., 1998) whereeach member that has assumed the full Charter operational

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (4)

14 A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter

Figure 1. Operational loop of the International Charter 'Space and Major Disasters'.

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Fig. 1. Operational loop of the International Charter “Space and Major Disasters”.

function is represented. The Executive Secretariat works un-der the overall responsibility of a Charter Board formed of allthe members. The Charter business is conducted by regularconference calls of the Charter Executive Secretariat and thebiannual Board meetings hosted in turn by the member agen-cies. The agency hosting a Charter Board meeting assumesthe lead role and becomes the Charter point of contact untilthe following meeting. A well-structured ftp site serves asthe Charter virtual secretariat for information exchange andrepository. The Charter web ( iskept fully updated with the latest Charter activities and acti-vations. The site also provides linkages to the Internet sitesof the member agencies where detailed descriptions of theCharter members’ space assets can be found, both in termsof the satellite missions and their payloads.

The purpose of the Charter is to promote cooperationamong space agencies and space system operators in the useof their resources for making a contribution towards the man-agement of crises arising from natural or technological dis-asters. The Charter covers the “response phase” of a disasterand the contributions of the member agencies are limited tosatellite data at a predetermined processing level. Any valueadding and information extraction from the data is at a mem-ber agency’s own initiative with local or international parties.

The Charter can be activated by a group of predefinedusers for obtaining data covering a disaster event. Theseusers are called “Authorized Users” (AUs). They are pri-marily institutions or services responsible for rescue and civilprotection, defense and security under the authority of a Statewhose jurisdiction covers an agency or a space operator thatis a member of the Charter. For the past three years, theUnited Nations agencies represented by the UN Office forthe Outer Space Affairs (UN OOSA) have also been autho-rized to request the Charter data.

3 Charter operations

The Charter has been operational since 1 November 2000; itis in fact the first multi-satellite joint operational initiative.The operational system is illustrated in Fig. 1, and the rolesof the various functional units involved have been detailed inBessis et al. (2003) and Mahmood et al. (2005). The AU’s re-quest is received by a centralized 24 h/day call-receiving unitmanned by an “On-Duty Operator” (ODO). This function ispresently furnished by ESA at ESRIN in Frascati (Italy). Af-ter initial application of the request acceptance criteria, theODO refers the request to the next functional unit named“Emergency on-Call Officer” (ECO), who is accessible 24 ha day. The ECO function is assumed on a weekly rotationby the member agencies. An important prerequisite for anagency to be totally integrated with the Charter operations isits ability to perform the ECO function, and as a consequenceof which its participation in all the activities and responsibil-ities of the Executive Secretariat. The ECO carries out in-depth verification of the request by interaction with the AUand by using the ECO’s own means of information on the re-ported disaster event, before the request is finally acceptedfor acquisition planning. The ECO prepares an elaboraterecord of the request, and determines the data source (archiveor new acquisition) and space sensor(s) most appropriate tocover the disaster. The ECO checks the availability of thesensor(s), and suggests, whenever possible after discussionswith the relevant space agency or its designate, a draft planto the agency(ies) for execution. The ECO then transfers theentire file on the disaster occurrence, called a “Dossier”, toa “Project Manager” (PM), who is appointed by the Execu-tive Secretariat, after nomination by one of the agencies andby taking into account such factors as the geographical lo-cation of the disaster occurrence, its type, and the expertiserequired. The PM ensures the management of the project re-

Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (5)

A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter 15

lated to the coverage of the disaster and with regard to dataprocessing and delivery. The PM through interaction with theAU complements the information needs of the requester andinitiates, as the case may be, any special data product gen-eration and value-adding on behalf of the concerned agencyand beyond the agency’s obligations under the Charter. ThePM also provides a project closeout report to the Charter Ex-ecutive Secretariat. In addition to the technical details, thereport contains the PM’s own experience with the activationand the end user feedback.

4 Charter activations

The Charter activations have been requested by the AUs tocover volcanic events spread all over the world; however, inorder to showcase the typical satellite data products gener-ated for covering the crisis response for this disaster type,the following cases of the Charter activation are briefly de-scribed. These are the eruptions of Etna in July 2001, Nyi-ragongo in January 2002, Montserrat in July 2003, Galerasin August 2004 and finally the Comoros in December 2005.

4.1 Etna, Italy

The 1st Charter activation over a volcanic eruption was re-quested on 26 July 2001, by the Italian Civil Protectionto monitor the Etna eruption. Optical images from SPOTand Landsat, and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagesfrom ERS-2 and RADARSAT-1 were processed for vol-canic plume, thermal mapping, and ground deformation. Us-ing Landsat thermal bands, overall thermal anomalies weremapped for two dates, in red for 21 July and in blue for 29July, with regard to three temperature ranges, as shown inFig. 2a. The thermal mapping was meant to assist authori-ties in forecasting the risk of lava flow events. The evolutionof flows with time is best appreciated in the higher temper-ature range. The SAR data from ERS was used to derive ageocoded interferogram by pairing a 11 July 2001 scene withan 15 August 2001 scene. Details on the interferometric tech-nique and applications are provided in Graham (1974), Ze-bker and Goldstein (1998), and Mahmood et al. (2003). Theseismic activity started on 13 July 2001 and the first eruptiontook place two days later. The interferogram (Fig. 2b) withits well-organized colour fringes is indicative of significantterrain movement that accompanied the onset of the volcanicactivity. As in many other cases of the Charter activation,routine monitoring of active volcanoes is believed to providethe critical benchmarks for assessing the effects of a disasteroccurrence.

4.2 Nyiragongo, Congo

Next, the Charter was activated on 21 January 2002 by theBelgian Civil Protection, when the Nyiragongo volcano inthe Democratic Republic of Congo erupted and threatened

Figure 1. Operational loop of the International Charter 'Space and Major Disasters'.

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Fig. 2a.Etna volcanic eruption, Italy, 26 July 2001. Overall thermalanomalies were mapped for two dates, in blue (29 July, Landsat 7)and in red (21 July, Landsat 5) for assessing the risk of new vents.The analyzed radiance ranges were extracted by bands 7, 5 and 4.The evolution of flows with time, over the activation period is bestseen on the map for flows>650◦K. Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (6)

16 A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter

Figure 2a. Etna volcanic eruption, Italy, 26 July 2001. Overall thermal anomalies were mapped for

two dates, in blue (July 29, Landsat 7) and in red (July 21, Landsat 5) for assessing the risk of

new vents. The analyzed radiance ranges were extracted by bands 7, 5 and 4. The evolution of

flows with time, over the activation period is best seen on the map for flows > 650° K.

Figure 2b. ERS data derived geocoded differential interferogram from 11 July 2001 and 15

August 2001 pairs. Seismic activity started on 13 July 2001 and the eruption on 15 July 2001.

The well-defined fringes indicate important terrain displacement.

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Fig. 2b. ERS data derived geocoded differential interferogram from11 July 2001 and 15 August 2001 pairs. Seismic activity started on13 July 2001 and the eruption on 15 July 2001. The well-definedfringes indicate important terrain displacement.

the city of Goma. Four Charter satellites, namely SPOT-2,SPOT-4, ERS-2 and RADARSAT-1 were tasked, but onlyRADARSAT-1 data were used for lava flow mapping becauseof the unacceptable levels of cloud cover in the optical im-agery and some Doppler errors in the ERS data. Nonethe-less, historical optical and ERS tandem mission data wereused for image rectifications and for preparing the base maps.Figure 3a is a pre- and post-event RADARSAT-1 Fine beamcomposite, which was used to delineate the lava flow, asshown in red, and the lava flow area was then laid over alandcover map prepared with SPOT data (Fig. 3b) in order toidentify the damage zones. The ground truthing of satellitedata-derived lava flow maps revealed some discrepancies thatare, however, acceptable in view of the rapidity with whichinformation on a disaster event can be generated with space-based means. For example, experience has shown that evenraw radar images can be used for lava flow mapping becauseof the sensitivity of radar brightness to the rate of lava solid-ification and moisture (Mahmood and Giugni, 2001).

Figure 3a. Nyiragongo volcanic eruption, Congo, 21 January 2002. Multitemporal composite of

RADARSAT-1 images pre- and post-dating the disaster was used to delineate lava flow that

invaded the city of Goma.

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Fig. 3a. Nyiragongo volcanic eruption, Congo, 21 January 2002.Multitemporal composite of RADARSAT-1 images pre- and post-dating the disaster was used to delineate lava flow that invaded thecity of Goma.

Figure 3a. Nyiragongo volcanic eruption, Congo, 21 January 2002. Multitemporal composite of

RADARSAT-1 images pre- and post-dating the disaster was used to delineate lava flow that

invaded the city of Goma.

- 11 -

Fig. 3b. Nyiragongo volcanic eruption, Congo, 21 January 2002.Validation of satellite data-derived lava flows with ground truth onthe city of Goma and its environs by using SPOT panchromatic andmultispectral data for landcover and RADARSAT-1 Fine beam datafor delineating the lava flow.

Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (7)

A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter 17

Figure 3b. Nyiragongo volcanic eruption, Congo, 21 January 2002. Validation of satellite data-

derived lava flows with ground truth on the city of Goma and its environs by using SPOT

panchromatic and multispectral data for landcover and RADARSAT-1 Fine beam data for

delineating the lava flow.


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Fig. 4a. Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption, Montserrat, 18 July2003. Radargrammetric digital elevation model (DEM) producedfrom Standard Mode RADARSAT data. Synoptics(a) of theSoufriere hills with crater zoom-in(b).

4.3 Soufriere, Montserrat

The Charter was activated on 18 July 2003 at the request ofthe UK Department for International Development. The ob-ject of the Charter intervention was to produce for the endusers in the Montserrat Volcano Observatory (MVO) andthe Environmental Systems Science Centre of the Univer-sity of Reading a new elevation model (DEM) to describethe changed topography of the volcano system following aseries of eruptions in July 2003. Optical satellite data wereruled out for such an elevation model owing to the persis-tent cloud cover in the contemporaneous imagery. Radar in-terferometry, despite the higher accuracy of its products fordetecting topographic changes, was also discounted becauseof the ground decorrelation effects caused by the shifting ac-cumulations of ash and rainwater in the temporal datasets.A RADARSAT-1 multi-date colour-coded composite of the1997 eruptive event was used to show the changes in radarimage tone that could be induced by these accumulations.Consequently, for the purpose of this Charter activation, theDEM was generated by radargrammetric (radar stereo) tech-nique and Standard mode RADARSAT-1 images were used.The DEM, synoptics of Soufriere Hills with crater zoom-


Figure 4. Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption, Montserrat, 18 July 2003. Radargrammetric digital

elevation model (DEM) produced from Standard Mode RADARSAT data by Synoptics (4a) of the

Soufrière hills with crater zoom-in (4b).

Figure 5. Galeras volcanic eruption, Colombia, 25 August 2004. Change detection with composite

RADARSAT-1 Standard beam images of 1999 and 2004, pre- and post-disaster acquisitions,

based on the backscattering properties of the surface resulting in changes in the radar brightness

of the two images.

- 13 -

Fig. 4b. Continued.

in, is shown in Figs. 4a and b. The end users found theDEM results beneficial for calculating the volume of vol-canic collapse as a result of the eruption. Moreover, addi-tional mapping products, consisting of orthorectified radarimagery acquired soon after the eruption, provided the userswith some indications of the changing crater structure. Itmay be noted that radargrammetry with RADARSAT-1 dataemploys beam-pair stereo, which is made possible becauseof the electronic beam steering capability of the satellite, thefirst of its kind among the imaging radars. Consequently, atarget on the ground can be imaged at variable viewing an-gles according to the beam incidence selected (Mahmood etal., 1998; Mahmood and Giugni, 2002).

4.4 Galeras, Colombia

On 11 August 2004, the Galeras volcano erupted in a columnof ash and gas. The Charter was activated by the ArgentineanAU, SIFEM, to assist the Colombian Geological Survey, IN-GEOMINAS, with the monitoring of this eruption. Althoughoptical SPOT-4, -5 and SAC-C images were planned, thesecould not be used because of the cloud cover and some othertechnical problems. The event was therefore managed bymeans of four RADARSAT-1 images acquired on both as-cending and descending orbits in Standard 1, 2 and 6 beammodes. One of these was an archive image of May 1999 andthe others were newly acquired images postdating the dis-aster. The images were co-registered using the 27 Augustacquisition. The 1999 RADARSAT-1 archive image and aLandsat TM mosaic of 1985/95 were used as reference for Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (8)

18 A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter


Figure 4. Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption, Montserrat, 18 July 2003. Radargrammetric digital

elevation model (DEM) produced from Standard Mode RADARSAT data by Synoptics (4a) of the

Soufrière hills with crater zoom-in (4b).

Figure 5. Galeras volcanic eruption, Colombia, 25 August 2004. Change detection with composite

RADARSAT-1 Standard beam images of 1999 and 2004, pre- and post-disaster acquisitions,

based on the backscattering properties of the surface resulting in changes in the radar brightness

of the two images.

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Fig. 5. Galeras volcanic eruption, Colombia, 25 August 2004. Change detection with composite RADARSAT-1 Standard beam images of1999 and 2004, pre- and post-disaster acquisitions, based on the backscattering properties of the surface resulting in changes in the radarbrightness of the two images.

Figure 6a. Karthala volcanic eruption, Comoros, 1 December 2005. SPOT 4 data acquired on 13

July 2004. Bands 432 displayed as RGB; resolution 20m.

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Fig. 6a. Karthala volcanic eruption, Comoros, 1 December 2005.SPOT 4 data acquired on 13 July 2004. Bands 432 displayed asRGB; resolution 20 m.

Figure 6b. Karthala volcanic eruption, Comoros, 1 December 2005. SPOT 5 data acquired on 8

December 2005. Bands 432 displayed as RGB; resolution 10m.

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Fig. 6b. Karthala volcanic eruption, Comoros, 1 December 2005.SPOT 5 data acquired on 8 December 2005. Bands 432 displayedas RGB; resolution 10 m.

Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (9)

A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter 19

image interpretation and change detection. By stacking the1999 RADARSAT-1 image with the newly acquired images,surface changes due to ash deposits could be marked (seeFig. 5). The RADARSAT-1 images also showed that the vol-canic activity led to the formation of many fissures in themain crater and on the active cone. Radar layover and fore-shortening did hamper image co-registration, however, theradar images accentuated the topographic contrasts aroundthe crater area, and by means of the aforementioned Land-sat mosaic, landscape visualization for monitoring the eventand emergency planning by the local authorities was madepossible.

4.5 Karthala, Grande Comore

The Charter was activated on 1 December 2005, by UNOOSA on the request of UNOCHA, UNDP (Resident Coor-dinator), and the French Red Cross following the eruption ofKarthala volcano in the Comoros. Mount Karthala sent outclouds of ash and flying sparks, leaving the capital Moroniand other villages on the main island of Grande Comore cov-ered in gray dust. There were concerns regarding the avail-ability of drinking water in the areas exposed to smoke andash. Earlier the Comorian government had also requestedassistance in the absence of means to monitor the disasterby air and because of ground inaccessibility. Five Chartersatellites were tasked, namely IRS, NOAA, RADARSAT-1,SPOT-4 and SPOT-5. The satellite data were exploited forchange detection. In Fig. 6, damage assessment maps fromthe before-and-after-event RADARSAT-1 and SPOT imagesare presented. Figure 6a is a 13 July 2004 SPOT-4 20-m res-olution band 432 RGB scene that depicts the old volcanicflow material around the crater, and Fig. 6b is an 8 Decem-ber 2005 SPOT-5 10-metre resolution RGB scene showingthe extent of new flows (in dull green) around the crater. Forthe sake of comparison, a RADARSAT-1 SAR 12.5-m res-olution scene acquired on 5 December 2005 is presented inFig. 6c. The main difference between the two data types isa significantly better detail of the crater following this latesteruption in the SAR scene than in the optical image. Thisis because of the inherently high sensitivity to textural andtopographic contrasts of radar imagery.

5 Conclusions

The International Charter aims at linking the space sec-tor directly with the end users, such as the civil protectionand emergency management organizations in the country af-fected by a disaster of natural or technological causes. Thesatellite data from a variety of sensors are acquired and pro-cessed and the information products are generated on a pri-ority basis, with no cost to the user. The data and the de-rived products are particularly effective in the case of disas-ters related to volcanic eruptions. The first level of products

Figure 6c. Karthala volcanic eruption, Comoros, 1 December 2005. RADARSAT-1 Standard

beam mode data acquired on 5 December 2005 (resolution 12.5m).

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Fig. 6c. Karthala volcanic eruption, Comoros, 1 December 2005.RADARSAT-1 Standard beam mode data acquired on 5 December2005 (resolution 12.5 m).

can be readily generated for visualization with a combina-tion of optical and radar data. The volcanic deposits canin fact be mapped with a high degree of accuracy directlyon the appropriately acquired radar imagery. Further imageenhancements furnish information on the structural changesin the volcanic edifice. Optical stereo and radargrammetrictechniques have been used to quantify these changes. Radarinterferometry has moreover provided indications on terraindeformation and seismic precursors for disaster warning.

The South and Central America region is particularlyprone to disasters caused by volcanic eruptions, and theemergency response organizations of the countries of the re-gion are geared towards disaster mitigation with the help ofvarious ground, airborne and now space-based means. Inorder to help the concerned organizations with the use ofsatellite data, Project Managers from several Latin Americancountries were trained in September 2006, under the aegis ofthe Argentinean member of the Charter, CONAE, and were Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

Recent - South American perspective of the International Charter …· 2020. 6. 9.· ence UNISPACE III, and since then space agencies from ... (CONAE), the British National Space - [PDF Document] (10)

20 A. Mahmood et al.: South American perspective of the International Charter

certified for performing this function. Currently, the estab-lishment of a formal process of PM nomination is under wayas another step toward streamlining the Charter operations inthis part of the world.

Edited by: P. FabianReviewed by: R. Woodman and an anonymous referee


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Adv. Geosci., 14, 13–20, 2008

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.