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- 42
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wywu 'XmaimxlUlMSiWIP tilPUHWlJlfflniWKWgpta 42 The Spectator Tuesday August 9 1977 Tatum follows footsteps ah vi jwrwr 'l )l 4 1 2ki 1 1 ENTERTAINMENT LYLE SLACK 4vMvV 9 l't 1 1 Xn 1 77 Tomlin wit turns oddly to i i 1 1 i ji YOURWVEI 1 executive! wiwest LAST DAY ANTASM WALT DISNEY roductlon' A new animated comedy thriller IWIT INniWNMNT SHOWS AT 'AKESho*rD 3 MILES EASt GUfJPH IINE 632 1897 "THE LAST BEAU GESTE Public Notice MAT SAT SUN 1:30 TODAY AT 7:00 9:15 Ottawa July 29 1977 Burlington 1 TODAY AT 7:20 9:30 156 162 HINGE 522 705 Burlington 2UER WHAlg Jackson Square 1 Public Notice CRTC 1977 88 i SKYWAY PLflZfl BURLINGTON Starts TOMORROW! iiiTiTyijiII cinema 2 1 iTivOLi ONE ncwMcotoe 5KYWBYPU1M BamUIMTW 1 355 MAIN ST 544 3594 Tir fu ODEON THEATRES tZasOMVUi! 0845 5553 HESTON COBURN 12 MARY ST 527 7861 BURLINGTON MALL GUELPH LINE SQE 632 5122 ODEONl Hamilton BURLINGTON MALL GUELPH LINE 0 E632 51 22 ODEON 2 Hamilton STARLirr DUIVE IN KING JAMES STS 526 8'131 2nd BIG HIT' A uNIVt HbAi Picluri HYLAND Hamilton ODEON Burlington KING a JAMLS STS 526 8131 WALT IHSNEY JV NO ONE UNDER AGE 18 YEARS ADMITTED ADULT ENTER TAINMENT ALL MAY ATTEND YOUNG PERSONS AT PARENTAL DISCRETION UNCLASSIIED ALL MAY ATTEND PROMOTION IS SMPIE IRE BOSS MAKES IT OR fl general ENTERTAINMENT ree List Suspended ADULT WffMTAJMMMfl I Vice orVersa RL SAT SUN 6:3 A 9: 3 MON TO THURS PM ONLY MATINEE SAT A SUN 1:3 PM Another Wacky Week! The Other Side of Midnight I 190 KING LMMUW1 521957 11tS 2:5 4:54 PM PJ4 9:55 DAILY AT 2:45 5:00 7:05 9:10 LILY TOMLIN A serious comic Theatre Branch Ontario Jackson Square PHONE 534 422 OMYATMS4MO SKYWAY 630 9i30 DAILY DAILY 7:00 9:2 MATINEE SAT A SUN AT 1:30 PM I olaver does the trio too ofte gets too expensive artd all inhibitions! In its public notice of March 28 1977 the Commission stated that any application for the establishment of a multilingual television station in Toronto necessitated that the Commission consider publicly some important aspects of broadcasting policy Therefore the Commission solicited the opinion of the public in order to obtain its comments The public hearing which will commence on September 20 1977 at the Holiday Inn Armoury and Chestnut Toronto Ontario will be in two parts The first issue will bear on the discussion of a policy relative to multilingual broadcasting in Canada and the second issue will be dealing with the examination of the applications received for the establishment of a multilingual television station in Toronto Ontario ADULT laHITAMMtT century The Commission informs the interested parties that the comments received from the public may be examined at the Commission 100 Metcalfe Street Room 1601 Ottawa Ontario dash from leading the it Show band in Bur Making a hotel stage PUBLIC HEARING ON MULTILINGUAL BROADCASTING und honors actor km STRATORD (CP) The Stratford estival has started a memorial fimd in honor of actor Powys Thomas who died June 22 festival officials announce A 13 year veteran of the festival Thomas died at age' 51 while visiting relatives in his native Wales The fund will be given to his seven year old daughter Megan when she is 18 to help finance her education Thomas whose last appearance at Stratford was in 1974 when he was assistant director and played four major roles directed the Playhouse Theatre School in Vancouver the last two years Beatlemania goes on LOS ANGELES (AP) Universal announces it has ac quired the Robert Stigwood production Sgt Lonely Hearts Club Band for domestic distribution Peter rampton and the Bee Gees will star in the film based on an original story by Stigwood and Henry Edwards featuring the lyrics of John Lennon and Paul McCartney KCaMNHts" tMianmMEiT1 Lise General StNSM'S There is Boggle Woman 77 years old and still jiving on the radio answering those letters from old people in a forgotten rest homes who complain of too much iello and not epough privacy And the shopping bag lady who knows the futility of trying to give evidence in a world with a bureauracy that defines evidence in its own terms: And Bobbi Jeanlne the co*cktail lounge organist with a song title for every emotion care about my Tomlin has said and her sympathy is everywhere in these out of kilter skits Her people are funny because they are different be cause they think differently talk differently act differ each one has a grasp on some truth about all of our lives that we know is undeniable Tomlin has built her repertoire of characters from lower America They are poor they are left out they are waitresses and secretaries and housewives Or else they are people of the normal stream of life who have gone wrong somewhere of as Tomlin has described herself 1 Sometimes she misses with a character The shop ping bag lady is not up to usual intelligence rattling on about cracks in the sidewalk representing a cracked world Mom and Dad argue endlessly over sponge cake in a routine which takes a long time to build toward Its one good laugh She also takes us through a long pot smoking episode that is second rank next to the incomparable material perfected by Cheech and Chong And Tomlin in general was not as involved with her materia! last night as she can be Tomlin has been working the sketches nightly for nearly five months and has probably lost some conviction But an evening of mediocre Tomlin is better than an evening with a dozen vacuum packed comics at their best There is still more wit and charm per minute more grace in the languid body more depth in the laughter In addition to everything else Lily Tomlin is one of those special female stage performers who exudes an alluring femininity an indefinable class You get a sudden sensation sitting in front of this lady of being in the presence of a person raised to a strata all her own It may well be as the writer Tom Burke has sug gested that Lily Tomlin is like a pinball machine on tilt She sees things from a co*ckeyed angle none of the rest of us can That is her special gift and our good fortune Blake seeks divorce LOS ANGELES (Reuter) Robert Blake 43 star of the 4 detective television series Baretta has filed for divorce from his wife Sandra 40 1 Blake cited irreconcilable differences in the superior suit He asked for joint custody of his two children Noah 12 and Delinah 10 The pair were married in California in 1962 It was first marriage and his second ADDID DRIVE IN ONLY ORIN BH START DUSK COMPLETE SHOW 1:30 3:30 5:30 7:30 ANO 9:30 DAILY LAS VEGAS Nev (AP) Doc Severinsen uses his to commute in a mad one hour Tonij bi i 'OPiN 8 PM DUSK TODAY AT 7:00 EATURE TIMES 2:40 5:50 9 PM DAILY ONE AVON AAt cartrstwn meg nnt often enough to have the 300 mile routine down pat the second show I zip out to the airport in Vegas hop on the jet fly down to Burbank get a good sleep get up do the Tonight Show off the air at 7 We make a made dash for the airport we fly to Vegas a car meets us and bam somebody stands at the stage door holding my pants and I jump in and go out on the stage We try to start close to 10 or 15 min utes after He said he does it be cause of his Capra special LOS ANGELES (AP) The film accomplishments of rank Capra will be the subject of an NBC TV Big Event to be produced by Columbia Pictures Television The program will highlight scenes from the Capra movies including It Happened One Night Mr Smith Goes to Washington Lost Horizon Mr Deeds Goes to Town and You Take it with You 7MPLETE SHOW 7:13 AOUIY tHItIYIHMtHT WARNING SCENES MAY RIGHTEN DAILY Al 3KM5XX) 7K)0 9XX) ishermen find rare Lenin film COPENHAGEN (Reuter) A rare film of Lenin and the Soviet Red Army found on the seabed by aherman has been restored by Danish television and prepare for broadcast in the near future The film which includes glimpses of the Soviet revolu tionary in his living room with his wife and cat' contains shots of the leader from as early as 1919 two years after the Communist revolution in Russia A year ago the film was plucked from a fish net by cod fisherman Lauge Iversen in the North Sea It lay in a lound can encrusted with barnacles and overed witlb seaweed which Iversen turn ed over to Danish television archives After months of cleaning the film re cutting it and finally copying it film technicians were able to make most of the film usable Tribute in cliches LOS ANGELES (AP) In the movies one cliche is worth a thousand pictures March or Die a new rench oreign Legion epic has enough to break a back But all in there on purpose as a tribute to movies of the past says Dick Richards who directed and wrote the story with David Zelag Goodman tried to make the kind of movie I loved when I went on Saturday said Richards wanted Errol lynn and Gary Cooper wrote the story with that in mind Even the music i has a tinge of Richards said March or Die is modelled after such films as Under Two lags and our eathers It stars 4 Gene Hackman Terence Hill Max Von Sydow Catherine Deneuve and Ian Holm as El Krnm the Arab leader WALT USMY PRODUCTIONS Technicolor MATINEE AT 1:30 PM EVENINGS Cinema "rescuers" 4910 "CRITTERS" 8:15 ONLY we have here is a total lack of respect for the IEV LAKESHORE RD 3 MILES EAST GUELPH LINE 632 1893 A long time ago in a galaxy jac jar away 15 THE UNNIEST VlncMtCaiWy MYTIm TORONTO What makes Lily Tomlin the most ex traordinary comic talent in show business today is the seriousness that lies just beneath every joke She is not simply funny though she proved once again at the Royal Alexander last night just how absurdly ludi crously entertaining she can be She goes beyond mere comedy into a social satire whose wit is finally ob scured by something more important its truth Pacing up and down in the spotlights last night Tomlin known to millions of Laugh in viewers as Ernestine the snorting telephone operator presented her comedy and truth in a liquid smooth one woman show 1 Her concerns are always veiled with the disguises she has developed over 12 years of nightclub and TV work but they are obviously real concerns offered with an acid satire And no matter which character Tomlin portrays there is a consistency of view a ten or of the heart that unites her weirdoes Crystal the militant quadraplegic tours the country in her wheelchair talking with fellow travellers on her CB radio railing against restaurant doors too narrow to admit her chair at minds too small to admit her human needs ortune the All American working girl who has lost her secretarial job sips one co*cktail after another in one lonely bar after another hustled by liquored up studs hounded by the years of memories not worth remembering or worse too bitter to remember THE ISLAND DR MOREAU ROGER MOORE as JAMES BOND 0077 THE SPY WHO LOVED ME I TL OUT HI1I11UI cinomal 222 bftin STARLITE DRIVE IN BROADW KING AU I 1AM ST HA 'l TON "ARMER" 7 00 PM "EMMANUEL" 8 40 PM SAT SUN AT 7 00 PM RESTRICTED LOS ANGELES (AP) Tatum will follow Eliza beth footsteps by playing the lead In International Velvet Miss Taylor made her major debut as a child actress in National Velvet filmed by MGM in 1944 Now Bryan orbes has updated the plot to tell the story of the horse loving niece of Velvet Brown the Taylor role Miss Oscar winner as supporting actress for Paper Moon will be directed by orbes on locations in 'England and the United States this fall Movies at their best CANADIAN THEATRES GROUP 7:15 a 9 PM MAT SUN 1:45 PM MARTI ELDMAN ANN MARORET IlCHAEL rr? KA NETWORK Arw ii 195 OTTAWA ST 547 3t61 (NTUTAiNMNT VU 9Uv Canadian Radto Mavislon Cornell da la radlodHIualon dflB mdTMecotnfnunicMJon atdMlWrommunicationo Commisaion canadlannas 154162 KWGE 522 7P51 Burt Reynolds Sallv ield jjJerry Reed iiacKie Gleason as Sheriff Bulwd Justice Schizophrenia makes Severinsen a mad commuter he wants to do both the Tonight Show and per form live come to the deci sion that a structure schizophrenic I mean not the kind of schizophre nic that I want to go to a psychiatrist and cure but I can take advantage of it I have my thing on the To night Show and a whole different thing an unstruc tured schizophrenic got no control and you know who you are and you know when going to be who But if you can control it and just select the hat and get it on and get your personality to match it really nothing wrong with it 'kind of HOW I WON THE WA 7:15 NED KELLY 9:15 wiihiihmui JENNY AGUTTER I BgSSE TODAY! JMLT 7MD9UL 2ND SMASH ran iwynoMii wiiki SdVv teM Jofrv RdmI Jadtljg GtoMOR THE ROMANCE PASSION AND POWER! Other Side of Midnight i I SKYWAY SSsmssi MuiicnMU2in2 YORK nou WAMMC Sana hnyaaa truyba aWui tweithes ADUL ODEON HAMUTONV OPEN EVERY ATERNOON 1:30 CENTRE TWIN 6INEI M74310 CENTAt MALL WEST MC open 8pm messfe 14 i Imovie I I UirUAPI YOHK ALlflZ I Vwx I am MM TW I a yW 1 I MAT SAT SUN 1:3 i 1 V' 1 I raw 79:2 'Mm MAT SAT SUN 1:3 AfX i a a a a a rv Rd i I wjpm 'irv mq YORK JSi 10 iUKak1 BlfWnMP i Ifj Ejx' I lT MHMMMKS MMMBMMM MM mm mm I KJ MM MM MMM MMM Xv 3SMMD SKMUSCi MMMW nM VMVMIIlll4al ifc ft Efl mp 6 hu 2 RNNCnONS 11 sJ IRflPWB A fn mu J1 4 All 1 ted mywaanar cinema 2 AMOUS PLAYIDS TiVOLi 1 K) JAMtS ST S25M 'O BROADW KING All I 1AM ST tON "ARMER" 7 00 "EMMANUEL" 8 40 PM SAT SUN AT 7 00 PM RESTRICTED Another Wacky Week! EIB ODEON1 Hamilton ODEON 2 Hamilton 2nd BIG HIT' UNIVthbAi Pictufp HYLAND Hamilton ODEON Burlington.
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