The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)

IB0 ii i aaaja i .1 tc.ii xm nuR I RS. GILBERT H. A. RECHT, who; until her marriage last night at the home of Mrs. QUIET WEDDING MRS.

BELL-HOSTESS AT East Bay-Society-Notes John F. Merrill at Atherton, was Mrs. Olive Snider Merrill. The formal reception given last Among the smartest events of thef (PUto Ij Moor Clark.) AT. E.NL0 4 season will be the series Of two din rORT MASON BOX PARTIES rOR ANNUAL JEWISH BALL Young Men's Hebrew Association Will Give Large Affair at St.

Francis January 27. lKWI.SH society folk have sub scribed for boxes at the third an- SETTING IS GIVEN ASSEMBLY Decorative Art Reaches High Mark at St. Francis, Where Hundreds Dance Under Wis-' taria and Gayly Hued Lanterns ner dances which will be given at the Hotel Oakland beginning Wednesday evening, January 81. Six hundred Invitations will bo sent out to-mor Mrs. Olive S.

Merrill Married to Gilbert H. A. Recht DowiTm. Charming Afternoon Is Spent by Two Score Friends at Home of General Bell. row for the affairs tho second of the Peninsula.

which Is scheduled for February 28 and if as successful as now antici evening by Her. and Mrs. Alexander Allen to mark the opening and completion of St. Paul's attractive now parish houso. brought together a smart assemblage of several hundred guests.

The new building which was materially assisted in tho process of construction by tho proceeds from numerous charitable affairs given by the women of the chancel chapter, Is a shingled structure with assembly hall, rooms for the boys' and men's clubs, pool room and other conveniences for rntertalnlng. The attractive fireplace and mantel were donated by Mrs. Lillian Brown Everts nnd Miss Florlnno Brown as a memorial for their mother, Mrs. It G. pated, others will be given after Lent, A snore of the repiesentatlve matrons of the local smart set are sponsoring A ns.

ouvn snidkr merrill I last night became the bride, of TlIK California paradox of frost I and sunshine, green usages anu the festivities, and the University Hoys' band, Composed of a group of gardens In bloom, was charmingly nual ball of the Young Men's He mr, nuiintuv nt thft old'tirSW Afirwlfillnn which is tO 1) motpriultrpil vntirilav at the Ola brew Association, which is to be Gilbert H. A. Reoht, a Ban Francisco business man, at a quiet wedi-ding at the home of Mrs. John F. Merrill, mother of her late husband, talented young musicians making held at- the Hotel St.

Francis Saturday evening, January 27. BY CHOLLY FRANCISCO. their way through college, will furnish the music. Dinner will be served at 7 o'clock and dancing will con A beautiful scheme of decorations 1ST ever so Ug-hlly skimming-, oft Is being planned for the ball, and tinue until 12:80, the color ana playful Krotosiuor- from the Interest in the affair it Is with whom she and her small daugh ter have made their home since tlo death of John Sroufe 'Merrill several years ago. Brown, who was an active member of Tho patroneSeei: are: les of Oriental art.

tho inter expected that a large gathering or Mliw. I.DTiilNis, Imnj Assembly save a lall at the Hotel St. the smart set will be present Aflimi. Klm T. Mi-ttlf, Vic-tot army post at Kurt Mason, where forty or so of the friends of Mrs.

J. Franklin Hell wended their way In the bright afternoon, over velvety lawns, pust parterres of gaily be-dlght winter blossoms, to attend the bridge tea which was one of the pretty events of the January calendar of tho military set. The guests who played In the early afternoon were Joined later by a number who came for tea. Among those who were present at the Dleaeant affair were: Paul's. Assisting Rev.

and Mrs. Allen in welcoming their many guests were: rr. Clmlltni rr Francis last nlcht which achieved a Daniel Aronson will be floor man The weddlnr ceremony, which was taiitr. Irnbr fir fill 11' si W2i I -t'H si i i i I tlirw mi si ''V 1551 mZ ager, assisted by a large commlt- irl. Lmn real success.

It was Oriental, but In a gray, youthful way, rather than In Mwrt. tnd MMneAet7, rmn Mil0 Val. U'lllUm M. teerto be named shortly. Millet.

HarrT Kaat J'rotKit, V. H. Jtlii, JUrlt JjJrraiii, KrcdericU H. Tvrrtt 'Iron i Willi mm. tVll'irJ the usual Intricate complexities of The board of patronesses, of which H.wley, H'uirt Keen', Olitrln solemnized by the flev.

Hugh Mont-gomery, rector of the Episcopal Church at Menlo Park, was witnessed by relatives tmly, and tho handsome Mrs. Marcus Koshland and Mrs. the art of tho ant, for the touch was applied sparingly and still In a dash-Ins: way. Moses Heller arc chairwomen, is Mrs. William Thornton White lias sent out cards for a luncheon on the working hard for the success of the affair.

Ileiu. I.virt. litliian B. i'relllii, Tliim Vilir tine. i.

I'err. UeoJM Mlittf. Brown, rinrrlna liawltY. Marj Memrt. Tlanlaa.

Dram Wallace, Jamci afternoon of Friday, February 2, at bride was given In marriage by Mrs, John F. Merrill. The bond between Mrs. Merrill Sr. and the bride bis tWlln.

hobeii; II. aMren, Vernon Harbour. W. K. Allardt.

I'reJwicK aft. IT. 1. Me, Frederick cur. 1.

H. MnAnitfapr, B. MrNaniara. Arthuf Irelie, Therein Klllntt. Hugh 8.

lucii. m.v. r. Among those who have subscribed Oriental lanterns and great peasant field hats of oiled paper, decorated with bamboo, through which lights c-leamed softly. In the center of the her home on Vernon street.

The af fair is ono of a series which Mrs. to boxes are I. W. Hellman. Mr.

and always been ono of deep affection; Mrs. I. W. Hellman Mr. and White has been giving this winter.

Colonial ballroom was a pergola 6f Mrs. E. Heller. Mr. and Mrs.

being like mother and daughter. Bridge will furnish the later divei Dion for a score of matrons. bamboo lattice, over which trailed too M. Ehrman, H. Stnsheimer, Mr.

and The bride wore a dinner gown of Orer, A. O. Cluwy, E. Oardon. M.

MarrUm, 8ut Htll, 0. O. CItH, W. J. I'irter, .1, 11.

(ibntA 11. Colnniin. Fhiru'3 l.riitU, li. I'm Ricl*tnl WllliPf, H. T.

nii-tt, 3. r. dainty purple wistaria. Mrs J. Silverberg, Mr.

and Mrs. M. apricot colored velvet and a cortar Miss Esther Baum will be hostess at a dancing party at her Piedmont Through this summer house the J. Brandensteln Mrs. I.

N. Walter, Claiming Mrs. Motes A. Faitoute obuquet of white orchids and gar- Mr. and Mrs.

H. Dinkelspielr Mr. and siiruie. 11. HrWliM.

Tlinnut Kimml, Fjiwuri Hlnrklo. r. 1. 'Wk, i'. A.

Morrtt, fhltty, W. t. VHt, 1. M. Hwturd, T.

P. Hunt, 0. C. Punf, D. C.

II van, A. R. lorim, C. D. VT.

lit Ixffr. Sir. Arm, Mrt. Glyin, P. G.

WMtr. J. Kitiiiilen, A. 8. Hmtth, ftirhmdua tirr, Urrr 9.

llitridt, Alfred of New York as her honor guest Mrs. sill -fsfA i I III' 'J -Z--" i denlas. dancers tripped gaily, for It looked so pretty that it invited entrance. All about the balcony huner handsome hom*o on the evening of February 2. Mrs.

L. Schwabacher, William Kauf The ceremony took place at 7:80 man, Mr. and Mrs. S. Wormser, M.

Giles Easton presided over an elaborate bridge luncheon yesterday aft Mrs. Guy CEarl entertained thu wmbroldcriesv antique Clniieso flags Rosenberg, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rosen o'clock and was followed by a wed ding dinner.

members of the Wednesday "bridge ernoon at her Jackson-street nome. Hi, J. W. berg; Mr. and Mrs.

M. Llebman, and embroidered banners that had been used hundreds of years ago to Bretl, Uct l-lub yesterday afternoon at her at After the dinner Mr. and Mrs Ktelnhart, Mr. and Mrs. Moses Heller An effective arrangement of puss* willows and spring blossoms adorned Ilm.

S. V. tractive hom*o, an elaborate luncheon Recht left for a brief honeymoon trips ry. K. 0, and Mr.

and Mrs. Marcus Koshland. preceding tho session at the card the luncheon tables, where uainty Knowlton, They will live In San Francisco. I'uiwleitrr, name cards marked places for: The Merrill home was Handsomely tables. Among the members are Mrs, Earl, Mrs.

I'. D. Yorker, Mrs. A. CrrrT, Mly Pretty Luncheon i B'jcnuCTaii, Ioo HutttiH-ultrr, o.

u. decorated with a profusion of blos 8. Posey, Mrs. Arthur Adams, Mrs. the populace at some gulti occasion.

All conceivable kinds of Chinese lanters were used and swuie were the very acme of bizarre fanUfy. Chinatown had been scoured for weeks for these decorations, and p*rno had been used in temple ceremonies In the old days when the Chinese celebrated In Charles Rowe, Mrs. James A. John soms from the gardens of the Mer rill place, one of the loveliest down the peninsula. Luncheon "Postiponed OTTO GRAU gave an un 2 li II Failnut.

M. A. Batea, Chitlea V. I'roct. f.

11. IMden. iHn Jlatlmiif, Ourtii Idor ainanri, I'harl" OimdfeiloiT, flufh son, Mrs. John R. Scupham, Mrs.

Jenara. ioree Jnnea, Hath Madiacn WhU. William Tburnton Mititler. llTJtrhition. Charles T.

Tift. ChrtMta Tift. Dnthv 6iLV. noreufi usually pretty luncheon yester Mrs. Merrill Sr.

was gowned in day as a compliment to Miss Anna George Moore Shaw, Mra. A. K. Mun son and others. Olney.

It was all done in French ON ncflount of the sad death of Wins Edith booster, a cousin of Miss Itubv Hond. the luncheon to black silk with touches of white lace at the throat and wrists. mnuiie, Mct'lure. Dnnald more picturesque fashion. Colonial style, with nosegays of de FrnirT.

Ltoa The guests at the dinner were Mr. ft-TTTT: $800,000 Saving sweet-Smelling spring flowers ar have ben given yesterday in the honor of Miss Bond by Mrs. Oeorge and Mrs. Recht Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Sjl Cp lp Within a bower of pink Klllarney ranged in lace paper holders at each Floral Art By Consolidation roses, tull and dainty greenery, Miss place, with hand-painted place cards to match. In the center of the table Howard Jr. wfes Indefinitely post non fid. Mrs. Howard and Miss AVoos were large nosegays, exaggerated Elsa Kroeger became the bride or Harry Herbert Blssell last evening ter were bosom friends, and the death Declaring that under a federated Bates, Mr.

and Mrs. Ralph Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merrill, the Rev. and Mrs.

Hugh Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. William Devereaux, Mrs. Andrew Snider, the mother. the bride, the Misses Vlnzent and Andrew Vinient vr duplicates of tho individual ones.

It of the young woman is a great shock city and county government Ala- at a prettily appointed ceremony at to her many friends here. Irneda county could save a total of was charmingly old-fashioned and quaint, and was a subtle compliment the Vernon Heights hom*o or her par TWO lanterns in particular were wonderfully wrought of strands of blossoms, with grevit wreaths topping off the circumference, nnd from the ample width hung garlands of blossoms. The chandeliers at the Hides of the ballroom were festooned i a-ggyy. 1800,000 a year, Fred O. Athearn.

at ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. ClauS Kroegtr. torney, yesterday spoke before the to Miss Olney, who Is the daguerre-type sort of dainty feminity for whom Rev, Everett Couper. rector or Lhrlst Will Not Give Tea Berkeley Twentieth Century Club on Episcopal church of Alameda, read II is I Guests off Honor this style was made, th5 proposed plan of the City and i UK A.

R- ASHBURN has re In queer red devices, and suspended- Among the luncheon guests were Mrs, Harold" Mann. Mrs. llichard County Government Association of 1 I called the Invitation for the tea Major and mrs. hugh qaj Alameda county. Heimann.

Mrs. George Lyman, Mrs which she was to have given this the marriage service in the presence of sixty guests, and the bride wri given away by her father. Miss Jeanctte Max Hold was the bride's only attendant, while Nst Neal was groomsman for Blssell. "The plan calls for a federated afternoon at the Fairmont Hotel. Arthur Fennlmore, Mrs.

Clinton la Montagne. Mrs. Frank Grace and government," Athearn said, "with the Mrs. Ashburn was a personal frlena from the lights were festoons or wee lanterns that Inter on were given out ns favors to the women. On opening them they were pretty fans.

For the men there were whistles, from "which were suspended wee lanterns. The Italian room scarcely knew it I cities under a borough system each Miss Linda Buchanan of the late Admiral Dewey and was an attendant at his wedding nearly community retaining its Identity The. bride wore a nanasome weaaing gown of white brocade trimmed with jj Hostess at Tea control of local affairs and fixing of tax rates. The plan would provide twenty years ago, and the invlta tions to the tea are recalled on ac pearl-embroidered lace maae cn trslne. Her filmy veil fell from a soft for a centralized administration.

count of the death of the great naval self, for its customary aspect was comnlatelv changed. Incense floated 1 If Juliet cap of the same, and a shower RS. WALKER C. GRAVES will eliminating duplication, thus increas ing efficiency and reducing taxes." hero. to greet one In fact, the perfume of a subtle Oriental Incense soenrd to of white butterfly orcnins ana lines of the valley composed her bouquet I I LAGIIER and Miss Gallagher, Who are en route from the Philippines to OovernoY's Island, N.

were the guests of honor at a dinner given by Mrs. Eleanor Martin -on Tuesday night. Last night Mrs, Martin again had a dinner party taking her guests to see "Patria" afterwards. Mrs. Gallagher is a sister of Philip Paschcl.

Several Informal affairs haVn been given to welcome the Gallng hers. Major Gallugher left yesterday for the East and his family will follow soon. The other guests at. the dinner party were Mr. and Mrs.

James Slevln. Captain and Mrs. Frank Pinckney Helm. Messrs. Edward Cebrlatn, Philip Paschcl.

J. Downey a rvey, Helnrloh von Srhroeder. Mrs. Jennie J. Dnnforth and ber Tramps KHUd Two Trainman.

dantrhter. Miss Dorothy Danforth, tea at her home in Scott street Sho has asked in a number of friends to bid them goodbye before leaving Monday for Vancouver, whence Bhe will sail on January 25 for a three DENVER. January 17. Cicero Al len, conductor, and Otto B. Jones, be all over the St.

Francis. Tho entrance to the Italian room was guarded by huge, gala lanterns, suc'i na the Chinese themselves, use only on ceremonious occasions of much returned yesterday from a stay or Beveral-weks with relatives, in New brakeman, were shot and Wiled near months' trip to the Orient Mrs Kimball, to-day by two men York and other" cities. Graves will visit Japan, China, the imiMirtnncA odd decorations were who were stealing a rido on a union Mr. and Mrs. Reqtia will Philippines and other interesting Pacific freight train.

Allen and Jones attempted to put the men Off parts of the orient. give a dinner dance at the Palace Hotel next week In honor of the debutantes and a few others. suspended near the doors and the pillars near the entrances were garlanded with wistaria. The carved marble mantle was nld-fln hpnpnth wonderful nanels of an- the train. The slayers were can tu red.

Tho maid of honor wore an exquisite gown of rose velvet elaborated with silver lace, and carried a shower of Klllarney roses. Mrs. Kroeger, mother of the bride, was gowned in gray silk and silver lace. Mr. Blssell and his bride are leaving to-day for a motor, trip to Southern California, and on their return will establish their hom*o in Oakland.

The bride is one of the popular girls of the younger set in Oakland, and has been entertained considerably prior to her wedding. Blssell Is a member of one of the representative families of Alameda, and the mar rlage is of Interest to a wide circle of friends. her daughter, Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Hamiltoh If.

Hart of Tiedmont are another couple who are turning toward the Orient for number of others. There jwrere, about three hundred at the dance. Ward. Ltincheon for Visitor tinue embroideries and on the mantle Others at the luncheon were Mrs. their BDrlnjr travels.

They leave thl 9 was a huge bronze Budda, smiling benignly and somewhat whimsically Sunday, to be away an indefinite Ogdcn Reld and the Misses Ethel and Helen Crocker. RS. ALLEN LEWIS, wno nas number of months, rrofu Cnuia md Mr. and Mrs. John S.

Drum vere hosts at a dinner party at their home last night, one of a series that Mrs. Drum in giving this winter. At been Jiere vfcitlng her sisters, Japan they hope to go on to Esypt Mr. and Mrs. Richard McCreery Un William nckley Taylor ana MP' Hammond Ignored are hi town for a few days and are at the St.

Francis Hotel. They have their home wre the Messrs. and Mesdamcs Walter Q. Filer, Walter S. Mrs.

George Boyd, for the last few weeks, will return Saturday to her home in Portland. Mrs. Lewis has promised her relatives and frinrt here that she will return in been at San Mateo for several Martin, Frederick McNear, Wlllard By Mayor Bartlett months, making occasional short vy 1 JL JL at the scene. The entire manue done to represent a Buddhist altar. The buffet table, from which the refreshments were served, was done in festoons of miniature lanterns and fresh cherry boughs and quince blossoms, the first of the season.

Overhead the lights were suffused in cherry boughs and puss* willow, giving a wonderfully pretty effect. II The Patronesses Itj honor of her son's bride-elect Drown, Henry rosier jjuuou ana Richard McCreerv. tib Mnreuerite Meherin or san stays In town when there is a succession of society affairs which they wish to attend. ,1 A 11 1 Francisco, Mrs. Horry Meek will give AVIV Tt IKfT Ok At Hockey Game II a large luncheon at the notei uaa-land on Saturday afternoon, February Mayor Frank II.

Bartlett of Alameda has named the council committees, omitting from all of them tho name of Councilman William Hammond his personal and political enemy, with whom he has had many Workroom Tea MRS. WILLIAM S. a viftv tniests have been asked to AR. AND 1 1 i if KUHN. who are occupying the I meet the charming young girl, and the Semi-Annual I Reduction Sale MARY EYRE will be the MIS tiffs in open council.

The committees Tillman house in Washington street this winter, were hosts Tuesday hostess will be assisted in receiving br her daughters. Mrs. Stuart Haw- guest of honor at a "workroom the spring for another visit of eev- eral weeks. that time she will, divide her time between the beau-1 tiful Taylor home in Piedmont and the Boyd country place at San Rafael, as both families plan to leave town for the country early in April. Mrs.

Lewis has been much entertained while here. Mrs. Charles N. Felton will give a luncheon today for the charming Portland matron, and Mr. and Mrs.

H. M. A. Miller will give a dinner for her to-morrow evening. This evening Mr nnd Mrs.

Tavlor and Mr. and tea" to be given Saturday afternoon, lev nnd Mrs. Dan Volkmann. The evening at a dinner at, their nome January 27. at the Quarters of the are as follows: IuWir ntillti-, Connd Roth.

0ors T. Mnrri nnd Orne Mutora; polio nii Are, Morrii, Leo Bmith uid Itirth; treM, mmn nd wlurrn. lieoriw W. Stewart, ThomM J. Alln nd Prneit and later with, their guests wit marriage of Miss Meherin to William American Fund for the Keller or French Wounded, 100 Montgomery nessed 'the hockey game at the Winter Garden, where their eon, Wen Harold Meek will be soiemnizea on st Valentino's Pay at the home THE r-tronesses of the Winr A s-sovubly are the Mesdames Oeorge Uhl, Charles P.

Hmt, Granville Abbott, Ella M. Sexton, Francis Wakefield, Euclid Frick of the Presidio and Milton Lennon. They have each invited their friends and see to it that there la not a slow moment all evening at their parties. The tuxt dance, on Sntiirdav. February 10, is a cafe mrtwt: hlth, Mjor.

Morris and Ilolw street. dell Kuhn. was one of the star Allan, Stewart ar.d Stewart. ncross the bay. imWia and utouikK Kot'ii; Smith Miss Eyre has recently returned players.

from Paris, where she drove an am The eveniners Pleasure was -in bulance between the city and the mnor of -Mrs. ivunn sisier, mis. Discounts From Mrs. Boyd will give a family dinner nt the Cliff House in compll 50 10 to war zone, and the women here who W. B.

Scaife of Pittsburg, who is have spent the last year making sup here for a month's visit with relft chantant and dinner dance, with a nroaramme of vaudeville numbers meat to Mrs. Lewis, and Mrs. Rudolph Spreckels will give a tea for lives. The other guests were plies for Miss Eyre to deliver to the base hospitals are taking this means of honoring her. Messrs.

and Mesdames William orturnnnn. dono by the members of tho Assem blv. 11C t.i.O Mavo Newhall. JoBCbh A. Dono Some of those at the dance last Workroom teas are popular among hoe, Perry Eyre and Wendell and Meets Friends tiiht were Oeneral and Mrs.

J. Jerome Kuhn, women who work similarly in Europe, but one, planned in compliment to Miss Eyre, will be the Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn will give an 3 MRS. ALLAN LEWIS of Portland, Franklin Bell, Lieutenant Commander and Mrs.

A. K. Shoup. Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Charles P.

Huff. Colonel and Mrs. Richmond P. Davis, other dinner this evening in honor of Mrs. Scaife, the guests later to I who is here visiting tier rela tives, had the pleasure of meetln nlav bridge, first ever given nere.

ine Tromen chat with their friends, the while keeping hands busy at the doleful tasks of making bandages and surgical dressings' for wounded soldiers. To-morrow evening Mr. ana jars. Captain and Mrs. John P.

Smith, Motor and Mrs. Louis S. Chappelear, The opening announcement (Sunday) of this Sale has already met with a tremendous response, thus testifying to the confidence of the public in the wonderful values offered. A Haviland China Dinner Service Conventional border in pale green, with garlands of Coin gold handles and edges. 53-Piece Cottage Set.

Regular $33.65. Now $25.25 1 100-Piece Dinner Set. Regular $55.70, Now $41.80 Fentrlss Hill (Marian Newhall) will give a dinner in compliment to Mrs. Scaife. Later in her visit here Mrs.

New York Musieale Captain and Mrs. Oscar Russell, the Drs. and Mesdames Milton Lennon, Frtincis Wakefield, Walter Harder, Charles Cross and the Messrs. and Mesdames George Uhl, Emil Etienne, Kuhn will give an afternoon af fair, tea and musieale combined, at which San Francisco friend-? of the hostess will be given opporlur.Hy to George Dos, Charles Groos Vll A. Allen.

George V. Petti grew, Ed hear Mrs. Scalfes beautiful mczzo- iVItSS CECIL COWLES of this city 1 I recently played piano numbers at a musicals In New York given by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Guiness at their home.

The affair was one of the "benefits" which at present a C5 BOpran voice. Ham Timson, Frank Panter, Lewis Dougherty, William H. Hoyt, Harvey a group of her menus ai a pretty luncheon which Mrs. Stetson Wins-low gave at her home on Pacific avenue. The affair was in honor of Mrs.

Lewis. Others there were the Mesdames Henry J. Crocker, William O. Irwin, William Hinckley Taylor, George Boyd, Charles N. Felton, James Otis, Charles A.

Gove, Miss Lily O'Connor and Miss Lena Blanding. Mr. and Mfs. John B. Casserly will give a tea at their home in Pacific avenue on the afternoon of Sunday, January 28, In compliment to Miss Fell and Miss Schofleld, who are touring the State in the interest of the Fund for the Fatherless Children of France.

They are just back from France. Misses Fell and Schofield were hpre last year A. Allen. George V. pettigrew, Here on Visit ward J.

Lynch, Horace W. Morgan, ui i j--3 are engrossing society in New York ns well as In every other city. Others RS. FRANK L. WINN is here Joseph J.

Scott. Mesdames Frederick W. Zelle, Os car T. Weber, Thomas Carson Gilles who took part are Madame Alda, English Semi-Porcelain Pink rose and Greek border design. 53-piece Cottage Set.

Regular $14.70. Now $11. 75 100-Piece Dinner.Set, Regular $25.00, Now $20.00 1 I from her home In the east on a Scotti, Ethel Barrymore. Frita Kriesler. Henry Hadley and Elsa visit to Mrs.

George C. Boardman and Mrs. Lovell Langstroth at their pie, Charles G. Lathrop, McGregor Kullman, Edythe Marlon, Agnes Shlllock, E. M.

Sexton nd the Misses Maxwell. home in California street. Mrs. Winn Among the guests were the Bar Marie Louise eber, Emma liaker, in the wife of Major irank wtnn, oness De Meyer, Mrs. JTancis caro lan.

Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Vander Hermlnla Lathrop, Florence Sloper, Mrs. Lovell Iangstroth's father, who PIANOS The Costliest Piano in the World Built on the Tension Resonator System cost more, and are therefore somewhat higher in price, than any other Pianos. Their superior musical qualities and longer life add an intrinsic value which musicians, and economical buyers, recognize to be worth many times the additional price.

Is now "somewhere in Mexico." The Louise Lang, Dorothea Mansfeldt, Zeta Mandell. Ida Christensen, Vir present Mrs. AVinn became the wife of Major Winn about the same time bilt, Mrs. Henry Russell, Mrs. Otto Kahn, MrB.

Walter Maynard and the duch*ess de Richelieu (Eleanor Wise). elnla Rvder. Esperance Ghirardelli Fine China Chocolate Set (Nippon) A conventional design in coin gold and green. Large Chocolate Pot and six Cups and Saucers Regular $1 0.00 $5.00 Set that Mrs. lAngstrotn, men miss Angela Coyle, Eleanor Mann, Lucille Dora Winn, made her debut at the Levy, Eldorado Asiinurn.

wcien Kear- EOOTEMCHL son. Jeanne Winner, Kstner uossi home of her granamomer, jvirs. For Her Mother Boardman, with whom snenaamaae her home since infancy. Elizabeth Bond, Myrtle Ewlng, Edna Ooeggel, Marcel de Journel, Corona Ghirardelli, Ynez Marion, Adeline de Survllle. Peggie Cupples, Muriel Box ton.

Grace Huxley, Madeline Sisson, Luncheon Hostess Mrs. William H. Crocker was Mfs. Roy Bishop was hostess yesterday at a luncheon at the Palace in compliment to her mother, Mrs. Wheeler, who has been here from her home In New York, and who Is leaving sooner than she had expected.

She will go to Pasadena In a day or 17 Black Dtptet2 Copying-Fqt tvtry purpott Bernlce Sloper, Mabel Wlllcox, Blanche Ahlers, Hortense Carcia, Tuesday ai ft luncneon ai A Sale of Black Coffee Cups and Saucers English China. White with triple hairline of gold. Special 15 each Marguerite Muller, Ida Week, The Messrs. William Quarg, Ed the Francisca Club for Mrs. White-law Reid, who is leaving shortly for LOOK rotTHi WATI ward Cebrian, Richard Irvine, Joseph the enst to sail rrir r.ngianq to visit Rucker, Claude Fox-Rivet.

Tobert Becklev, John T. Porter, Hoarce Daw PtHIlM Free Delivery ithin 100 Miles. Mall Orders Ulvrn I'rompt Attention. eon, Leon Bly, Austin de Camp, Al frcd Harwood, Louis P. Selby, For rest Mettler, Irving Granlcher, Fran clsca Llach.

Cyril Appel, Charles Pearson, Harold Mansfeldt, Charles Mir Good Nt En-banged NA Rent AprTa Gibson, John Sheeny, Tobert A. An Safe derson, Frank Parraga. George Haas Alexander Bergevin, Jack Cardineil 7 Milk tlaston Roussey, Jasper O'Farrell I S. Q. GUMP CO.

I For Infants The Cliff House vader he dirrctio mt MRS. DOUGLAS CRANI3 Angels-on-Horseback Tke Intent eraac la Supper Dlnliee DAXCIG ETEKY ETEMG Reservsflons by telephone: PACIFIC 8040. Albert Lawson, Jack Tralna, Irving Granlcher, Arthur Mauerhian, Jed Hoag. Lyman Korndorff. Dr.

Frank THE VI LV1T If SVPUMC mm class Talking Machines Records and Sheet Music TWO EXTRAXCE9 135-H3 Kearny and Satter Street OAKLAND 1209 WASHINGTON STREET AX JOSE 117 SOt'TH FIRST STREET Substitutes Glrard. Dr. i-ranK Kinsiow, ur Thomas Meugge. Dr. H.

D. Brusco, Lieutenants H. K. Hill. H.

C. Ball I a. Ti IV" Frederick Price, W. P. Gladdis, Pills hurv.

Hnckwalt. Captains Mudd. Le A Nutritious Diet for All Ages. "The Fine Art Shop" 5 246-268 POST STREET i I rnf Mnller. Lewis Pendleton, W.

Keep Hcrlick Always on Hand 1'lstt, V. Overton.

The San Francisco Examiner from San Francisco, California (2024)
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Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.